Chapter 11 Part 2

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So that's what Mari and Matt are wearing. The twins are wearing the Santa dress from last chapter.

Still at the party btw...

David stumbled up the stairs behind Rose, and mentally prepared himself for the yelling that was sure to come, though it never came. When he entered the room, one of the most unexpected things came towards him. Rose's lips.


"Well, I think it's time we go, the twins seem to be getting tired and we still need to open presents. Tell David that we had fun." Matt told Joshua, who simply nodded. Matt headed out to the car, Mari trailing behind him. They drove home in silence, apart from a few babbles from Ella. They arrived home and sat by the Christmas tree, a warm fire going on next to them. "Lets give the twins their gifts first." Mari said as she reached for two large bags full of toys and clothes. The couple saw no point in wrapping them, seeing as though the babies wouldn't care either way, and simply stuck them in bags. The twins eyes lit up when the sparkly and noisy toys were placed in front of them, immediately reaching for whatever they could. Matt and Mari smiled at the two before grabbing the gifts they had gotten for each other. "Here, you open yours first" Mari said as she handed Matt a large box. He eagerly opened it and gasped when he saw the new Xbox one that had been given to him. Matt tackled Mari to the ground with kisses and hugs while Mari giggled. Matt gave her one last kiss before reaching under the tree for his gift to Mari. He handed her an envelope and waited eagerly for her to open it. She opened it and covered her mouth with her available hand and looked up at Matt with watery eyes. "Do you like it?" Matt asked, but was tackled to the ground by a crying Mari. "OH MY GOSH MATT WE'RE GOING TO PARIS!!!"


David snuggled with Rose on his bed, feeling like the luckiest man on earth. He was always so worried about his feelings that he never considered that Rose may have liked him back the entire time. David gave her a quick kiss to her forehead before standing and holding out his hand for her. "I should go back down to make sure my house isn't destroyed." David said chuckling. "I'll go with you, I'm afraid that if I stay here that at some point a drunk couple will burst in wanting to use your bed..." Rose said standing up. "Don't worry, I won't let anyone but us use my bed." David said, winking at the now blushing Rose. They headed back down to find that most of the people had left already, thank glob. "Hey David, Matt and Mari said that they had fun." A voice said, making the new couple jump. "Oh, hey Josh, look, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I-" "Its fine dude, I forgive ya." Josh said, lightly smiling. David smiled back and sighed when he looked at the few people who had stayed, all being people who had passed out. "Did Ian and Anthony leave?" David asked, making Joven shake his head. "Nope, they headed upstairs a little while ago-" "AGHHHH!!!!" "what the hell..." David asked as he looked up at the roof that the noise had emerged from. The three looked at each other, all very confused, but soon knew what had happened when a very messy looking Ian ran down stairs and quickly headed out the store, his shoes in his hands. The three stared at the door for a while, completely dumbstruck by what they had just seen, then began hysterically laughing. Soon a very red Anthony came down as well and frantically searched the house. "Sorry, Ian left already dude." Josh told him, knowing what he was looking for. "o-oh, ok, I-I'll see you guys later..." Anthony said, lightly waving goodbye before hurrying out the door. "Those two are so lucky that we're good friends... if we weren't I totes would go onto Twitter and make all Ianthony shippers shit their pants..." David said, making the trio begin laughing once again.

That's it. Some interesting stuff happened. Marhinki is going to Paris, Ianthony did stuff behind the scenes, Me and David became a couple, and the twins got toys. I'm also gonna have some guest stars that I hope you guys are gonna like! And they'll either be added in the next chapter or the one after that. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it, I'll see ya later my flowers!

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