CHAPTER 5(seeing hottie again)

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I grabbed my keys and went downstairs, i was ready to go to church. Oh! So i forgot my dad told me to get something for mr parker. Mr parker is one of the ministers in our church rumour has it that he has two kids a girl and a boy. No one has ever talked about the boy though but all they say is he attends my school, but i have never heard about him in school, its not like i even know his name. The girl who happens to be his younger sister is very well  known, i have seen her a lot of times. In church and in one concert i went for while at home for the last holiday. And she seems nice and cool headed.
I rushed to my dad's room quickly to go and meet him but he wasnt there. I called his name and he answered from the bathroom. He told me to give him some minutes. So i sat on his bed and was fiddling with the edge of my top. Just then, something vibrated causing me to jump up a little bit. I looked at the centre of the bed cause i was sitting at the edge, then i found my dad's phone. A message flashed from it from a certain nancy
"i cant wait for wednesday darling, its gonna be hot"
I knew what the message exactly meant cause this is not the first time different girls and married women will be sending messages to my dad. Yes, you can call that invading one's privacy but i dont care since my dad doesnt also respect my privacy.
I dropped the phone quickly as soon as i heard the click of the door knob.
My dad walked up to his drawer and removed an envelope
"give this to mr parker"
I collected the envelope from him and dashed out of his bedroom.

I was waiting for someone to come and open up after knocking mr parker's door. I was about to raise my hand the second time when i heard resounding footsteps from inside. Then finally the door opened
"hi. I was asked to drop this envelope here" i said not bothering to look up as i was struggling to get the envelope from my backbag.
But, as i looked up my jaw almost dropped.
There before me was mr hottie, the guy that was talking to xavier last time i saw him before we went on holiday
"you!" we both said at the same time.
"what are you doing here?" i asked him
"i should be asking you that cause this is my house" he said smiling.
Man! This guy is so cute i thought to myself. It took all the srenght in me not to jump on him and start peppering him with kisses cause he was not just only cute, he had the perfect body he was wearing a t shirt but the buttons were left undone. His hair was slightly ruffled and his jean hung low on his waist.
"pls come in" he said obviously knowing that i was checking him out but decided to ignore it. What a perfect gentleman.
I'm sure if it were xavier he would have made filthy remarks.
"well, i was asked to give mr par..." i stopped mid sentence realizing something "so mr parker is your father" i said unbelievably
"no shit sherlock" he said looking at me like i just said the most obvious thing in the world
So you are the son we've never heard about?"
"why are you here" he looked at me showing absolutely no interest in what i'm saying
And there i thought he was a gentleman. Never mind he is friends with xavier so what should i expect.
"well, my dad asked me to drop this envelope with ur dad"
He collected the envelope from me and was about to open it
"no, you shouldnt open it" i said "its for mr parker and not for you" i continued. Then he smirked
"right" he replied.
I was about to leave when he called back
"hold up" i turned around raising my eyebrows
"whats your name?"
"why do you need it?" i asked
"so when my dad comes i can tell him where the envelope came from"
Oh silly me, of course that is what he will need my name for
"tell him its from mr aaron, the bishop"
As the last word came out of my mouth, his eyes widened
"you are the bishop's daughter"
"no shit sherlock" i used his words from earlier and left.

The rest of the day was uneventful after i left the parker's place, i went to church and got bored cause i'm not a religious person, i'm just forced to do all these because of my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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