CHAPTER 3(famiglia)

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The holidays are here...
the dreaded days are here....
The day i get home and face my siblings. Not that i hate them but they are annoying but thats more like it for kids . A 14 years old younger bother, an 8 years old sister and an extremly annoying 4 years old kid. I'm in the one who takes care of these two younger ones whenever i'm home for my holidays. cause my brother is also in  boarding school but, even if he isnt in school at all and just sits at home he wont do anything with the kids he wont even feel the need to take care of them cause he believes its the job of the female to do.
I got home yesterday night cause i left the school late. I was filing the course we were suppose to register for our final exams so i called my dad and asked him if i should choose biology or economics. He told me to choose biology seeing as though they were both sciences but since i more like hated economics he asked me to go for biology. The thing is my dad wants me to study law in the university. But that is clearly not my dream. I'm not proud to say i'm one of the teenagers that dont have their dreams yet but all i know is i want to grow up and live in affluence. I mean, who doesnt want that?.
I was treated very well yesterday night when i got back home. My parents didnt stress me but they didnt ask about how my education has been. Theirs is for me to just go to school and make them proud. But how will they be proud if they dont even know how my grades are. My siblings were already asleep by the time i got home and my younger brother wasnt vacating untill the coming week.
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling slightly tired and worn out. I got up from bed grudginly and walked down to the kitchen like i was some kind of ghost like burglar. I was hearing faint voices from the sitting room and i knew with no doubt that it was my mum.
My mum is into the habit of calling her concubines in the middle of the night where my dad was already sleeping his ass off and snoring and  there was a time i knew the number of young guys she called. But now, i have lost count of them. Is it 4 or 6 i cant even remember. She calls them and start using her sweet fake voice and i wonder if the guys are seriously falling for a married woman or just after the imaginary money she doesnt have.
"i said i'm sorry baby" i heard her whisper into the phone. I tip toed back into my room cause i was getting slightly annoyed. My mum keeps calling guys younger than her 'baby' when she hasnt even used that endearment for me since forever.  Not that my parents are rich or something. We were just the average family but my dad provides the family needs. I crawled up into my bed. All signs of fatique gone. And i began to look at all the possibilities that this family is crashing soon. I dont want that to happen.
Not now any way
Cause my siblings are too young to miss parental care.
And my so called dad wasnt helping matters cause he was also committing adultery. And the horrible truth is that, he is a bishop.
At times i look at him and laugh at christains. I am not a religious person. But i love God.
But my dad was proving otherwise he commits adultery and i knew that recently. When i went through his messages and read his conversations with some women.
And that is the thing about male, they dont stay faithful to their patners. Their little friends underneath won't just hide their excitement when they see the female counterpart. Hence, giving the useless boners.
Not only did my parents get themselves involved in what i call this funny business. But they also beat the crap out of me for the slightest mistakes i make.  My mum is fond of throwing objects at me while my dad uses his leather belt as his whiplash. There are times where i begin to wonder if i was adopted.
My younger ones didnt make matter cool..they instead make it worse that they frustrate the hell out of me. Just name it, nanny,cook,cleaner,blame taker. I was all in all for them but they never appreciate me. The only compliments i get in return is
You are too lazy
You are wicked
You are irresponsible
From both the aged and the young.
And so i crawled underneath my blankets i thought about the way life goes for me. And i brought my phone out, went to where i hid the videos and played them. Doing my normal routine anytime i became bored and stressed out and most importantly when the tears ceased to flow,

I masturbated.

I groaned at the tiny rays of sunlight seeping in through my room. Another day of torture i thought to myself. I heard my mum call my name from the kitchen, she more like shouted causing me to groan for the second time.
I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen.
"good morning ma'am"
"morning..and why are you waking up this late. You dont know you are the one that is suppose to prepare our breakfast?" she said. I looked up at her then checked the time only then did i realize that it was a little bit after seven.
I moved down to where the stove was and got ready to prepare the breakfast
"and your sisters are still sleeping, make sure you wake them up and bathe them" she continued "i will be going to the store to get some stuffs home" she went upstairs to grab her keys and came back to the kitchen
"oh! And my bathroom is a little bit dirty including the kids bathroom"
And that is how she begins to dump all the works on me. And i'm sure thats not all of the errands she has for me "oh! And the old lady that lives next to us said you should come and help her, she would be packing her loads out of the house today" what for? I asked myself but there was no point asking since she wont give me the reasons. Yes, my mum is fond of telling people that i'm always free to help them run little errands. And the stupid naive people think i'm happy with the way i'm running little but not so little errands for them. They keep on blessing me as if its only the blessings i need. But i dont blame them, i blame my mother that has turned me to the errand mistress portraying her as the good woman with a kind heart.
"good morning jade" my dad greeted bringing me out of my train of thoughts "hi dad" i greeted him and ran to him to hug him. Anyone that had seen us would have thought we have a good father and daughter relationship. But it didnt work like that. He sat on one of the stools in the kitchen. And i went back to what i was cooking "so dad i filled the subjects i want to sit for in our final exams" i tried to kill the silence falling upon us. Cause my dad was busy with his phone "uhmmm" he murmured back "and i chose biology" i told him
"hope you chose economics too cause you will need it for the course you want to study in the university" then all the color drained from my face. What the hell! He told me to chose biology since i suck at economics.
"dad you told me to choose biology"
"no i didnt tell you that i told you to choose both subjects" he retorted ready to hit me.
Jesus what is this man's problem
"are you sick?....i remember i asked you to pick both subjects and dont you dare lie" before i could say anything one of his palms had already landed on my face and it hurts as hell
"but dad..." i said tears streaking down my face
"just shut up" he began to remove his belt and started hitting me with it
"dad you told me to choose biology" i kept on telling him but they fell on deaf ears
"honey, stop beating the girl please" i heard my mum shout. I guess she was back from the store
"what she is cooking is already burning just free the poor girl" she said trying to calm my father. I stoop up from the ground i was laying and prepared to go upstairs to my room and lock myself in for the rest of the day but my mum dragged me back raising her eyebrows quizically
"where do you think you are going to?...attend to the food thats burning over there and make sure you prepare something for us to eat.. got that?" i nodded. And went back to the sink as more tears began to stream down.
I knew i was going to cry more once i get home.

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