chapter one: the big night

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August 12


“Tonight is the night that Zach I and are finally going to have sex for the first time” I thought to myself.

My phone started ringing  “baby you light up my world like nobody else” I new it was Zach calling because that was the ring tone I had set for his number

“hey baby” I answered it

 “so are we still on for tonight?”

Yes we are I will see you in an hour

One hour later I was at Zach’s house. As he meets me at the door and lead me up to his room we started kissing it was such a passionate kiss his lips were so soft.I was stradaling Zach and I could feel him getting hard as I was sitting on him then I couldn’t take it anymore and he rolled me over so I was now on my back and  Zach was stradaling me and I could feel him start to make his way inside me. Then it happened the world started spinning it was so magical I thought I was in haven. We just laid in each other’s arms and held each other. That’s when I knew I was in love. Then Zach looked me in the eyes and told me that he loved me and I knew he truly meant it.


Vince I luuuuve youuuu (she said drunkly). It was Saturday night and we were drunk and high as usual. This wasn’t the first time we had messed around but this was the first time we had done anything while drunk and high at the same time. Vince didn’t have a condom on him but didn’t want to ruin the mode but he knew I was on birth control so he didn’t worry about it, but what he didn’t know is that I had recently switched from the shot to the pill and that the birth control wouldn’t work effectively for another month. The two of us ended up making love to each other because we were unaware there could be  a consequences. It wasn’t as romantic as it used to be but It was sex and that’s all I wanted so I really didn’t care. It took us about 5 minutes for both of us to be satisfied and we went back to the party.


Kody I do love you but this just feels wrong I don’t think we should be doing this what if my dad comes home or worse my stepmom.

 Seriously stop freaking out.

 Ok I will stop freaking out I love you Kody then I started kissing him then slowly I  un did his belt

“I can’t believe I’m fixing to do this” I thought as I was laying under him

Then 15 min later we were just laying there and suddenly I heard the garage door opened “Oh sh*t we better get our clothes on and make it look like we were studying.

Why?? He asked me

Because my step mom is home and she knows you are here and she will come down as soon as she comes in the door.

And as if on cue she opened my bedroom door but we had out books open and were solving a math equation.

Then the bitch goes all psychotic on me “I thought I told you no boys in your room and why was this door closed?? Answer me you ungrateful little brat!!”

It was closed because we couldn’t focus while your boys were playing their stupid video games

 (oh did I forget to mention that I have 3 step brothers yeah they are 4, 7 and 13)

Then she left me and made Kody leave “bye I love you see you at school tomorrow.”


For Jessica it was a normal Saturday night Alex and her were out partying and like always they drank a little bit too much then they went up stairs and had a very drunk but hot passionate session in the bedroom of a random stranger.

Being drunk they were careless though they did used a condom they were too rough opening the package an accidentally tore it

 You better have been careful opening that damn thing!!! I yelled as my boyfriend opened the condom we had a scare in our early sex days but I used the plan B pill and everything was fine.

Shut up and get over here sexy he said grabbing me and affectionately kissing me.

Being as drunk as I was I didn’t really remember much of the night

But I do remember hearing Alex say “oh shit” but then everything went black and I passed out.

A/N i added a little more to this chapter if you have already read it then this dosent pertain to you lol. but comment vote tell me how i  can improve this story.

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