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October 16


As I sit on my couch thinking about how I'm going to tell my parents I'm pregnant!!!

Three hours later Zach came over and I told him that I think it’s time to tell our parents.

He grabbed my hand and we went to the kitchen looking for my parents. We found them sitting at the table eating lunch. My parents saw the concerned look on our face and asked us what’s going on.

Hi baby is something wrong? My dad asked me.

Ummm.. well I think we need to talk actually Zach and I need to talk to you and mom.

Oh no I don’t think I like were this is going. My mom whispered to my dad.

We sat down across my parents at I started.

Soo… we have some news and I don’t how you are going to react and I'm really sorry.

Honey what is it please just tell us you are really starting to scare me, my mom told me .

I'm pregnant. I was crying now and I couldn’t stop.

How could this happen I thought you were on birth control. My mother asked .

Daddy please say something.

I honestly don’t know what to say you have just ruined your life and you Zach you have ruined my little girls future are you two even ready to be parents? He was practically yelling at us.

Get out of my sight he yelled at us.

Josh calm down don’t over react you just need some time to get used to the news, said my mom.

No I don’t get out of my house and never come back.

We got up I went to my room and packed up my suit cases and went to Zach’s house to tell his parents but before we left my mom came to talk to us .

Honey your dad will eventually come around but for now I think it would be better if you go live with Zach and his family. And then she gave us a hug and we left.

We drove the 15 min it took to get to Zach house he carried my bags into his house and his mom looked at us confused.

May I ask why you are carrying bags  Zach’s mom asked him.

Well Alexis’s dad kicked her out because she’s pregnant.

She was shocked and then she gave me a hug she was surprisingly happy.

I can’t believe I'm going to be a grandma wow you are you guys excited? She asked.

I wasn’t sad anymore I was actually happy someone thought that Zach and I could have this baby and take care of this it.

Well since you two are going to have a baby there is this support group at you high school it meets on Thursdays so I really think you kids should go check it out and see what its abut.


I thought since I'm around 2 months pregnant I thought I should tell my parents.

After school I went to my mom and told her I needed to talk to her.

Hi Nessa I'm sorry but I need to ask you something but honey are you pregnant?

WHAT I almost chocked on my water I was drinking. Why are you asking me that?

Well it’s just that you’ve been acting kind of strange eating a lot, throwing up every morning and well.. you are starting to gain some weight around your mid section.

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