Taking naps every day can help boost memory, enhance creativity, increase alertness and productivity.Islam:
It is Sunnah to take a short nap after Dhuhr so it is easier to wake up in the morning for Tahajjud (or Fajr) Salah.The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Take a short nap, for Devils do not take naps.” [Sahih Aljamie. Alalbani 1647]
Sleeping 30-60 minutes a day sounds like a good deal. If not, even 10 minutes works. Your brain needs a short break sometimes, preferably once in the middle of the day, or as convenience states.
How Science Proves Islam
RandomIf you believe, please proceed. If you don't, this may or may not benefit you. Includes facts side-by-side with Quranic Ayaat and Ahadeeth. Warning: May trigger the ignorant (both the idiot and the knowledge-less) ------- My conclusion after much ob...