Chaper 5:Royalty and teaching

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Aurora pov

I woke up to tingles.

Not the 'my foot fell asleep' tingles. No, the hot tingles. The kind of tingles that make you turned on.

All I wanted to do was to snuggle closer into the tingles and stay asleep a little longer.

As I deepened my desperate snuggle into those tingles I realized that these hot tingles were connected to massive body with arms wrapped around me. A massive, muscular,'perfect shoulders' kind of body! Oh man! Heaven help me I want to rape this hotness of a person and I haven't even opened my eyes yet.  Please be real. Please don't be just a dream.

My eyes flutter open to see his deep hazel eyes with my special speck of green staring down at me(well that explains the tingles and Dazzle going wild with her mate thoughts again). Whew not a dream , a nice reality.

...with hesitation?

He opens his beautiful mouth to say something only to repeat the action. As much as I love staring at his perfect kissable lips (that I would love to do mouth to mouth to). Wish I learned CPR. I can't stand him not finding the words to say so I raise an eyebrow.

Suddenly he finds the words he wants to say, before he does though he snaps his fingers putting clothes on himself, takes a deep breath and says,

"Did you know you're royal?"

I couldn't speak my loss for words stunned myself(I always have something to say!).Did I know? We'll now I do ,but I didn't !

Instead of answering I now notice the heat trying to tear me apart from the inside building with each second so I answer the question with one of my own.

"Aren't we suppose to kiss or something? I rather NOT feel like my insides are going to be my outsides."

Silence, I think I stunned HIM. ha! I look up at him, tears starting to form in my eyes from the pain. It's all I can do to not cry out.

Suddenly those eyes were my spell, and I was entranced. The pain seemed to fall away.The fact that I could see the concern turn to lust that clearly filled his once hazel eyes and changed them to a autumn brown made my stomach tighten with want and desire for this gorgeous specimen. I would let this man take me anytime anywhere any shape or form he prefers.

Slowly he inches forward bending his head towards mine. I freak inside, he's gunna kiss me ,butterflies,oh no now I feel sick. Trying to calm the nausation of my first kiss ,I take a deep breath in only to smell the stench of true rouges. Yuck! Pulling back from him with remorse from the moment being ruined, I look around for them. I know they're out here somewhere...

Instantly I'm being shoved behind a tree, the rough bark against my slim tank top. I look up at my hazel eyed stranger to see that his eyes are still that brown color. (his wolf must be in control if he's this desperate) He brings his index finger up to his lips as a sign to be quiet. I don't make a sound. Slowly he traces his fingers along my lips, parting them with his thumb on my bottom lip and the rest of his fingers below my chin.(and suddenly I can only breathe through my mouth)

He pushes my chin up to meet his so kissable lips. The inches away seem like miles. At last our lips meet and it's the best feeling in the world. It's ten times the tingles maybe more.His other hand that was resting on my hip slides up my back, causing a shiver of pleasure from me, to hold the back of my long hair. (hands! where do I put my freaking hands!) Deciding to rest them on his waist I lean into the kiss and try my feeble attempt at kissing back. I follow his lead ,or try to. Surprising me out of my attempt I hear a chuckle form in my head that is obviously not mine.

'Babe, you cannot eat my lips, a little nibble or two isn't bad but not my whole lips'


'Here follow me k?'

From that point it felt like being tutored in kissing. The smell of the rogues drifted from my mind.

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