Reflected (a Harry Potter fanfiction)

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Authors Note: Okay so this idea has been bouncing around and around and around in my head. I've told my sister and a few friends and they all thought it sounded cool so without further ado, I give you Reflected!

There are so many what if's. What if Hitler took over, what if America was never founded, what if I didn't eat that last Twinkie?

What if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named never existed? There would be so many different possibilities for outcomes. Such as the Potters not dying, the Longbottoms wouldn't be insane, and Dumblesnore wouldn't have found a pawn. Then Harry would grow up a wizard, and well, who knows what could happen then!

And this author will now sign off to unveil what I believe would happen in a Voldy-less world (with Harry being a prat like James).

We begin in world where you can take your definitions of normal and shunt off. Where owls carry the mail and people go around carrying sticks. A small community, really. The Wizarding arseho- I mean community. Ah, yes now there have been and were many wars despite that society thinking they was all high and mighty beings and being above that. Rubbish.

The wizards acted so much more stupidly than a non magical muggle, and the wizards still think themselves above them.

One day a girl, woman actually, will come in calm and then shout for all she's worth and literally blow up the government. Of course a man was right next to her always. Now they didn't start off like that. No sirree but they ended up together after many a incident which included being locked in multiple closets, tying them together in quite random locations, and least of all a temporary sticking charm to chairs in *shudders* Madame Puddifoot's.

Anyway on to our heroine and our hero. Different, different, different. Different lifestyles, different looks, parents held different jobs, different tastes in music but, one thing led to it all. One similarity, same school filled with similars. But that's not where it began or where this story will begin. All it takes it takes is one word, one chance meeting and one glance to fall head over heels in love or in distaste.

Oh! But, I don't want to start there so, we begin at the birth of two little children. Both who are extremely special, one who will grow up flourishing in it and getting much attention and the other growing up as a lonely, friendless child with too busy parents. Yes, we begin at the births of Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger.

That's all folks (for now). If you liked it leave comments below because I have a poll going on about where Harry and Hermione should meet. And the choices are: Diagon Alley, Platform 9 and 3/4, Hogwarts Express or the Sorting. And a shout out to impossiblemuffin who got me to write and is probably going to force me to update least I be choked by a short, yet somehow slightly taller than me, person. Kay, so vote, leave comments and feel free to read my other story. Thank you to anyone who enjoys this. Bye now!

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