Chapter 1: My fiance is fine like wine

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What the fuck. What is this horrid sound going off? I realized it was my alarm and hit my hand on it until it turned off letting me know I fit the snooze button.

I wake up rubbing my eyes. It finally dawned on me that today was the day of my birthday and also the day I'm supposed to meet my fiancé.

"Ugh" I say in a mumble voice with my face in my pillow.

After getting enough energy to get up from my bed I go and freshen up in the bathroom. After 45 minutes I'm done and have on my red peplum top, white jeggings and red vans.

"Evolin! Sweetheart come down stairs for breakfast so we can discuss your schedule for tomorrow and today",my mom called out over joyed. So I started off to the kitchen thinking along the way like always.

Of course she would be over joyed. I'm her first child getting married and she has been spending the last few months planning. I don't get it why am I'm marrying someone that name is still unknown to me! Sometimes I swear my struggle is real. I just became legal today and tomorrow I'm getting married so now I have to play "nice,nice" with my soon to be husband who name like I said earlier is unknown. I hope his isn't ugly, because if he is I will walk my ass right back down that aisle tomorrow and change my name. Yeah that's right! I will just change my name and ru-

" Darling you were going change your name and do what?" my mother chimed. "Nothing", I said with a roll of my eyes. " Umhm, so you say" she said with a raise of her brow.

Moments later she came and sat my pancakes and sausage on a plate in front off smiling, standing across from me.

"So, what was it that we need to discuss about my schedule for today and tomorrow. Well today since I know the course my life of hel-...I mean love and meaning ! will start tomorrow. so what will I do today mom? and by the way the sausage if a little too well done for my liking", I stated.

"Ok, first off tomorrow your life will change for a better Evolin",my mom said with a stern and joyed voice.

Oh crap! she said my first name. Here comes the serious, demanding side of her.

"Second, since you know so much about tomorrow I will tell about today. In about- well any minute you fiancé and his family are coming to meet you."

"Wait! wait! wait! wha-"





Well aren't they right on time.

All of a sudden see my mom talking and opening the door to let them in and the first to walk in is this woman I want to say I her late 30's or early 40's strode in with a walk that said "power" all in it. After her this tall 6'2 man walked in. he looked about the same age as the woman. His hair had it's natural dark brown color with highlighted of grey showing his aging. The next person that walked through the door completely stunned me!

I think I need a breathing machine.

He was completely breath taking. I have never seen a man so breath taking ly handsome in my life. he had dark brown hair just like the man that I supposed is his father. His eyes are green with grey color. his shoulders are broad and his structure show dominance, power, and authority. his strong jaw line was perfectly structured as if an Angel had touched him everyday. I was mesmerized by his looks to the point where I could say was,"damn I hope he's my fiancé "

I wasn't until I heard chuckles and a deep,rich voice say,"why yes I am."

My breath caught in my throat. I was scared to look until my mother called my name and said," Evoln meet Xaviantay Sky, your fiancé and Xaviantay meet Evolin your soon to be wife"

"So, my fiancé is fine like wine", I said without thinking it through before quoting it aloud.


Author's Note:

So how is the book so far? I need everyone to vote for my book and spread the word about it. This is my first I'm writing and the support will be well needed. if you want to ask questions are want someone's else point of view just comment and u will try my best. I will update every other week on a Tuesday night at 11:00pm. Thanks so much for reading :).


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