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I grabbed my stuff glad to be able to throw it away on the last day "Hey NERD!" I heard Henry say behind me I panicked and ran out of the school heading to me bike when I was jerked back and fell I adjusted my glasses to see Henry "I said something to you I DONT like being ignored" he held a pocket knife I squirmed and I was pick up my belch. He took my jacket off and handed it to Henry
"N-no!" I squeaked
"Oh poor nerd doesn't want her jacket torn" He grinned and ripped the jacket with the knife but was pushed over by someone else a short ish boy with glasses "your DEAD!" He got up and shoved the boy he looked back and saw his dad and walked away I scrambled to grab my jacket and put it back on
"Hey. Sorry about Bowers he's an a s s" I just nodded
"what's so special about that jacket I see you wear it all the time?" A new person say, Stan he was in a majority of my classes so I knew who he was.
"I-it was my brothers before he- he" I started tearing up I always did when I talked about my brother "he killed him self"
"Oh." Stan said I stood up and grabbed my stuff "I didn't catch your name"
"It's Sophie."
"I'm stan, this is Richie, Eddie, and Bill." He said pointing at them bill was tall and had a stutter, Richie (trash mouth) had glasses, Eddie I knew was a germaphobe I smiled
"I gotta go" I turned around and heard Bill say
"W-we're g-going t-to th-the sewer if you w-wanna come"
"Sure!" I smiled and hopped on my bike and rode home

I opened the door "hey sweetie! How was school!"
"Good I made some friends. Also can I go to the sewers with them later?"
"Uh ok why the sewers?" I shrugged and went up stairs
"Yes why!?" She yelled back I walked down the Stairs and showed her the jacket "oh." I took it off and found out sewing kit and sewed it back up

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