I rode down to the quarry. All the guys were there, Bev was not. I took my clothes off till I was in only my bra and underwear. I was red  in the face, they were all staring at me

"So," bill said breaking the silence "who's gonna go first?"

"I will!" It was bev, she undid her dress and grabbed my hand and we jumped in together. As we were falling I laughed 

"I thought you weren't gonna make it and you'd leave me with a group of guys"

"Hell no, I would never leave you with them, especially with the way Richie looks at you."

"What?" I said feeling my face heat up,  she just wiggled her eyebrows and the guys landed in the water "What the-" someone had picked me up for a chicken fight, it was Stanley (hah you thought it was Richie) "Stanley! What the hell!" I shouted Richie got on bens shoulder and grabbed mine he smiled that goddamn smile that makes me blush. I grabbed his shoulders. After a few second of tussling I knocked him off "HAH!" I said triumphantly

"I was only going easy one you!" Richie argued 

"Sure," I said "what ever you say," 

Me and bev were laying on towels sun bathing when I felt eyes on me bev and I looked over in unison. Richie and Stanley were looking and me, the rest of the guys were looking at bev. We stood up to look at the missing children posters. I sat next to Richie "lemme see," I said it was a charter of some sort

"I've got more stuff at my house if you wanna see," Ben said

"Sure," bev and I both said

Hey look, I'm not dead! Ok so I've been having real bad anxiety lately and my crush and I have been making really long awkward eye contact and it haPPens ofTen and he is also one of my close friends and 3 three of my other girl friends have a crush on him and I don't want to hurt them by telling them and uuugggghhhh  I don't know what to do 😭😫😫

S e n d  h e l p

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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