I hopped and my bike and went to the sewers and saw Richie and the other losers. I walked over
"Hey darlin'" Richie said in one of his accents making me laugh
"Hi." I replied we went in ther
"Are you coming in?" Richie asked Eddie and Stan
"Nuh uh that's grey water."
"The hell is grey water?" Richie asked confused stan on the other hand stayed silent
"It's basically p i s s and s h i t I'm just saying" I rolled my eyes
"Does it matter?" I said
"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor." Richie said sniffing a stick I laughed
"I'll show you a staph infection!" Richie said Eddie looked disgusted
We were looking around when a guy fell into the water he was bleeding out
(Short time skip)
me and Richie stayed out with the guy, his name is Ben
"Nice to meet you before you died!" Richie said I smacked the back of his head "what!?" I shook my head
"Why would you say that" I said "he's NOT dying!" The Guys finally came back with a lot of stuff to fix him up
"Oh hey I don't think we've met." I heard a voice and my head shot up
"Oh hi, yeah I'm Sophie."
"I'm Beverly but call me bev." I nodded and she smiled, she was much prettier than me really. She had long red hair mine was short and blonde she had nice teeth I had braces. I didn't mind all that much because Richie didn't seem interested, wAiT why do I care what he thinks? Do I like Richie? I don't know.
After she left Ben asked "what'd she do?"
"More like WHO she do!" Richie said "from what I hear the list is longer than my wang!" I rolled me eyes and smiled slightly
"That's not saying much." Stan said I let out a quiet laugh he noticed since he was next to me and I saw him smile I smiled too. *COUGH COUGH IM SLOWLY DYING*

Sorry it's a bit short I'm slowly dying bc I have the flu or might have the flu and yeah schools out for me till Monday which means I'll be updating more!

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