Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

He pulls the gun out of the holster and slowly opens the door. "Stay behind me." He said as we made our way to the basement door as quietly as possible. Faster than I could react a gunshot goes off and I see a man jogging toward us, but my attention is pulled away by a gnawing pain in my shoulder. Oh shit. Oh no. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I look down slowly hoping to see nothing but I see blood slowly soaking my shirt. He, whatever his name is, looks at me with wide eyes. "Shit!" He said. I sighed. "Exactly what I was thinking." I muttered trying not to think of the pain. "Come on. We've gotta get out of here." He said his tone full of urgency. I followed him, with one hand clamped on my shoulder to stop the bleeding and one gripping the hem of my shirt to stop it from shaking. I look down as we reach the door, and the guy who shot me lays there in a pool of his blood. A bullet hole right in the head.

This is absolutely nuts! Crazy! Around this time yesterday I was cuddled up in my room watching Netflix and eating crackers off my stomach and now? I'm running away from the only life I've ever known, so I can survive. I just got shot. I saw a dead body. And last but certainly not least, I'm following a complete stranger, who has a gun.

"What's your name?" I ask him as we run down the stairs. He doesn't answer me. "Excuse me?" I ask again.

"Really, you chose now to ask my name?" He scoffed as he began to unlock the window. I glared at him.

"Well, excuse me for wanting answers. My parents are dead, and I'm being forced to leave my house with a stranger." I say. My voice cracking at the end. He lets out a sigh. "Fine, my name is Ashton." He pauses for a moment. "Now come on." He said gesturing towards the window. But it's too high. I can't climb up there, I'm not Spider-Man for god sakes. "It's too high. I can't get up there." I stated crossing my arms over my chest. He gave me a look. "That's why I'm going to lift you up." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I sighed stepping forward to let him lift me. A title wave of nerves wash over me when he places his hands firmly on my hips. Ashton lifts me like I'm as light as a feather. Once I was on the grass of my back yard, I wait there quietly for him to come up. I look around my yard for a moment taking it all in. The little turtle shaped sandbox that I've had since I was 8 years old lays in the corner of the yard, beaten down, and worn from the years of play. I smile a little but that smile slips away when I spot something next to my dad's old motorcycle. My father, he lies there with several bullet holes to the chest. He must have been working on that thing. The stupid motorcycle never wanted to work and he was determined to fix it.

Before I even register what I'm doing I run over to him. I collapse on my knees next to his eerily still body. I take his hand in mine and squeeze his cold flesh. I don't know why but I feel like if I squeeze hard enough maybe it will bring him back. What am I thinking. That's completely illogical.

"I'm sorry Astrid, but we need to leave. Like now." He said with a solemn voice. I didn't notice I was crying until one of my tears fell down on my dad's blood stained shirt. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I love you Daddy." I whispered and stood up, following him into the woods.

They're gone. They're really gone. I never thought this would happen. I had never thought about when they would die of old age or anything. I guess it was silly of me to expect them to be around forever. My mom. My sweet, loving mother. The woman who gave life to me. She taught me everything from how to talk, to braiding hair, and everything in between. She held me when I cried and yelled at me when I was wrong.

And my dad. The only person who understood me better than I understand myself. He was so strong. I only saw him cry once, and that was when I almost died. One summer we were out at the lake house when I was six years old. He had told me not to run on the dock several times that day but I saw a lady bug and I was chasing it trying to grab it but I fell in the lake. My father grabbed me and yelled at me about how many times he asked me not to run, but he didn't even finish the sentence before he broke down. He hugged me for about twenty minutes before he let go. And now I have to let go of him.


Sorry for the short chapter, and it may seem like she forgot about her injury but with her seeing her father dead she's just a bit out of it. I got a little carried away, but I'll bring it up in the next chapter.

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