Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It turns out Ashton is a great cook. He made spaghetti, and meatballs. As of right now I am washing my face, we had a little food fight. I laughed thinking back to it. He's not so bad to be around.

After taking one last look in the mirror I walked back to the kitchen. Upon entry into the kitchen the heavenly smell of the sauce hit me like a wave. He had just set the table and was setting down our silver wear. I took a seat, and watched him as he sat down. "Dig in." He said nodding towards my plate. He didn't have to ask me twice. I'm was starving, but do you blame me? I've had a pretty exhausting day. I ended up wearing my lunch at school, I went home to find out that my parents were dead, and I followed a complete stranger from my home in New Jersey all the way to Pennsylvania. This dinner is much needed, and damn it is delicious.

"You are one hell of a cook, Ash." I said after slurping up another noodle. He chuckled. "Ash, huh?" He asked referring to the nick name I had just given him. I shrugged. "Yeah, why not?" He just looked at me with a small smile playing on his full lips. "What? Do I still have sauce on my face?" I asked shyly. He shook his head. "You just have a great smile." He said quickly, then looking down and finishing his food. I felt my stomach turn. But in a good way. I don't get butterflies. When someone, especially cute guys, compliment me, my stomach turns and it feels like I'm being dropped from a plain. Weird, right? But I'm not used to being complimented. I've only ever had one boyfriend and that was my freshman year. He was a total douche bag. He cheated on me with basically the whole girls soccer team.

We finished our dinner in silence, I grabbed the plates and took them to the kitchen. I grabbed a wash cloth preparing to wash the dishes when Ashton gently grabbed my hand, taking it from me. "It's alright, I'll do them. Go on, get some rest." He gestured toward the bedroom. I didn't put up an argument, because I could really use some sleep. I muttered a thank you then walked to my room.

After changing into a t-shirt and shorts I went to lay down, and try to get some sleep.


Now I'm sure we've all had this problem before. Here I am sitting in this dark room, looking up at the unfamiliar ceiling. I've had about two hours of sleep in total. I'm completely exhausted, but my mind is running a mile a minute. I look over at the digital clock through my blurry eyes, the numbers read 5:47am. I sigh getting up out of bed. Now that everything's changed I at least want something, just fragment of my old routine from back home. Every morning before school I would go for a run around my neighborhood. I loved going running in the winter dispite the cold weather, because I love looking at the lights and the way the powdery snow decorates the trees. Though I don't know this place I could always just run around the outside of the house or something.

I put on a pair of sweat pants and a baggy tank top to go over my sports bra. I tie my long curly hair back into a bun. I don't have my IPod with me, damn it. There has to be a radio around here somewhere. I go to the closet in the hallway after checking the basement, and I got lucky and found one. "Whoa." I muttered to my self picking up the bulky boom box. This thing is ancient. I remove my glasses from my eyes to clean them, before heading out.


After about an hour of running around the small house and constantly fixing the damn dinosaur of a radio, I decided that I should probably take a break. I clean off an old rusty chair and sit down. While stretching, I see movement in the forest ahead of me. I immediately go still, listening to the silent wind. The only sound is the beating of my heart , and the soft music from the radio. I get up slowly off the bench, and the movement happens again. Only this time i see it clearer. It's a person, running towards me at an alarming speed. "Ashton!" I scream because I know that he will catch up before I reach the door. I repeat Ashton's name only this time louder. Before I know it his hand clamps around my wrist and I scream his name one last time at the top of my lungs.

Authors Note:

Sorry for leaving you on a cliff-hanger, but another update will come soon!

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Thanks guys. <3

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