The Revelry of the Damned

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The celebration had carried on for days. She had grown tired of watching it all. They did, however have a reason to be happy, they had won. Diablo was defeated yet again and the skies in Sanctuary were clear once more. Narienne had grown idle watching them imbibe their spirits and shout their songs. She supposed she could leave Tristram soon to find her own path, now that she was free of her duty.

Where would she go? She had no real home anymore. Cast out of her tribe, she would not be welcome back to the lush jungles of her birth place. Even with her part played in saving the world, she would still be seen as the same pariah that had left. Maybe she could still help the people of Sanctuary by seeking out those who required the aid of a skilled witchdoctor. There would be many sick and injured, she could use her powers to heal instead of kill. The angel had made her an enticing offer as well.

Tyrael had told her of the many monsters still lingering in the lands surrounding Tristram. Vanquishing those beasts would fill her purse with more gold than she would ever need.  She loved the idea of continuing her work as a nephalem, fighting evil and killing monsters. She knew her gargantuan beast would grunt contentedly at whatever she eventually decided.

"Tell me witch doctor, you do not care for celebration?" A voice shouted next to her as the bar erupted in yet another song written for the grand occasion.

It was Wylond, the young wizard she and the others had been traveling with. There were six of them, all nephalem. Heroes born from the couplings of angels and demons. Shunned by both the High Heavens and the Fires of Hell, Sanctuary was created to hide the nephalem away from the wars that raged around them. The nephalem were thought to be long extinct, nothing more than tales in books, or stories recounted by firelight. When Tristram was darkened by Diablo's shadow once more, six souls had heard the call to take up arms and fight him back to Hell. They were no longer fairy tales anymore.

Out of all the nephalem, Wylond was Narienne's favorite. During their travels he had always managed to keep things light, a trait she very much admired. Fighting evils such as they had, it was often hard to see any sort of silver lining or hope for the future of mankind. None of the other nephalem shared his carefree spirit, instead they simply kept to themselves.

The lack of idle chit chat certainly hadn't stopped the band of heroes from fighting like a well trained pack of wolves. Their skills complimented the others so perfectly, it was as though they had been training for this exact moment all their lives. She supposed that much of it might actually be so. Bonded together, their souls entwined and fated to come together as one to vanquish Diablo.

"You do not care for the celebration, witchdoctor?" Wylond repeated as if she had not heard him over the noise.

"The only spirits I care for wizard, are the ones wandering the Unformed Land." She smiled.

"Ha." He laughed. "Not to worry my dear Narienne, I'm sure this won't go on much longer." His smile faded as his eyes flickered in the firelight. He looked dark, almost menacing as he watched the villagers dance and sing. His black hair shadowing his cheeks, making them look sullen, almost demonic.

"How could you know such things?" She asked trying to hide her sudden apprehension.

"Wishful thinking." He responded as his gaze softened and the happiness retuned to his features. "Besides, they will need to sleep eventually."

"I suppose that much is true." She smiled. "I need some air. The room has filled with the hot breath of their songs, I need a respite. Good night, Wylond."

He tipped his tankard at the witchdoctor as she made her way toward the exit of the inn. She had to weave her way around the throng of people swaying and sloshing their cups fervently as they chanted inaudible lyrics into the circle of revelry.

Once she was free of the crowd and out into the night of the village square, she took a deep breath. She could hear the ring of a hammer nearby, another not fond of celebration it seemed. She turned and headed toward the blacksmith cart and the rythmic sounds of metal filling the quiet night.

"You aren't one for celebration, Hedrig?" Narienne asked, causing the man to pause his work.

"Not when there is so much to be done, miss."

"The battle is over. We have won this fight."

"Aye." He answered as he wiped his hands on his apron. "The weapons took a beating and need tending to. The angel has also asked for my help in arming the newest batch of bounty hunters."

"Tyrael will have his army in no time it seems. He might not even need my help at all."

"That couldn't be farther from the truth, nephalem." A strong voice behind her boomed.

"Tyrael." Narienne greeted the now mortal angel.

Once he had a seat in the High Heavens as the Angel of Justice, Tyrael watched over the mortals of Sanctuary. His constant meddling in the affairs of humans caused great unrest among the other angels. His final act of defiance, protecting those of Sanctuary, caused his fall from grace. As the aspect of justice, Tyrael was unable to stand by while the lives of innocent people hung in the balance. It was the Nephalem who helped him reunite him with his sword, El'druin, and thus reuniting him with his memories and purpose on Sanctuary. He was a tremendous ally in vanquishing the evils of this world and had plans in place to continue those efforts, freeing Sanctuary of evil for good.

"I hope you have given my offer consideration, Narienne. The hunters could use a wise mind such as yours to guide them."

"I have." She bowed her head in respect to the mortal angel. "I am just not sure yet where my path will take me. The world has much need now that the dust is clearing, I would like to be where I will do the most good."

"Ever the saint." Tyrael smiled his knowing smile. They both knew that she would join his cause. As long as demons walked the earth, she and her creatures would be there to fight it. "Come find me when you have made a decision."

Before she could reply, a scream cut through the night. She turned her ear listening for signs of trouble. Tyrael was looking too, toward the inn, his hand on his dagger strapped to his belt.

"The party seems to have turned." Hedrig huffed as he picked his hammer back up. "They often do once they've carried on for too long."

The rythmic pounding of metal was deafening as Narienne kept her eyes toward the door of the inn. Her lips quivered, ready to say the word at the first sight of danger. She let out a deep breath as she watched the wizard emerge smiling.

Wylond waved his hand in air, the magic crackling over his finger tips. Narienne watched as a portal opened in front of him. He blew a kiss towards her direction and stepped through the glowing blue opening, closing it immeadiately behind him.

"What was that ab-" Tyrael's words were cut short as the villagers burst through the doorway in a frenzy, screaming wildly like animals.

The ground in front of Narienne shattered as she let loose the words of power. A hulking grotesque creature pulled himself up from the earth, growling and snapping, ready to be commanded. His gargantuan frame and green skin lumbered toward the screams before them. He could smell the evil, sense the danger. She followed him toward the inn with Tyrael no more than a step behind her.

The gargantuan beast ripped the door from its hinge and stepped inside, his undead groans the only thing that could be heard now. Narienne's stomach roiled inside her at the carnage strewn about the once joyous setting. The mangled bodies of the patrons tossed around the tables and chairs. Blood seemed to cover and drip from every surface. Her eyes could not believe the sight.

How? How could this happen? The town was warded against the lesser demons. Diablo and the great evils had been defeated. Sanctuary was supposed to know peace once more. She clenched her fist tight around her dagger. Her mouth pursed with anger. She knew who was to blame for this, it had to be him.

"Wylond. We need to find the wizard."

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