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I looked at him, then back at Iruka, then back at him, then Iruka, then him, then Iruka, then him, then Iruka, then him, then Iruka....


This is a dream come true! Wait, how is this even possible?!! I am in the animated Naruto World and the anime characters, Naruto Uzumaki and Iruka-sensei, are in front of me!! Right here and right now! What should I do? Maybe I should just pass out and exit this unbelievable and unexpected dream?!? I feel like blacking out because of the shock!! But.... Who would even do that?! An absurd person maybe! I'm not absurd! Yeah, I can be, sometimes, but only sometimes!! I shouldn't waste the chance of being with them!! If this is just a dream, I don't want to wake up yet! Anyway, back to the present time!! What can I do besides from losing consciousness? Make the first impression? Teehee~!! Oh! Oh! Maybe I can study in the Academy! For real this time, since back in my real twisted world, studying in the Academy only exists in my awesome imagination. Naruto still wears his awesome goggles so yeah. He is obviously not an official Leaf ninja yet. I can even make pranks with him! Wait a minute.... I'm not yet sure if this is just a dream or for real! Better find out first before thinking and planning things out! *pinches* It didn't hurt at all. That was too weak. *pulls skin* Owwie... They're still here! Don't tell me...?? *pulls skin* *bleeds* Fuuuuudge!! Huhuhu! My poor skin! It hurts like heck! Arghh!! But.... Oh my fudge.

Meh. I looked back at the two and saw them still there. They are obviously not cosplayers! Not at all! Because.... They look so anime-ish!! So as my surroundings! I wonder how I look? Do I look like an anime character too? Of course, I do. It would be really weird if I looked like my REAL self, right? They would probably think that I'm some sort of alien. I need to move on and think that this is the reality! Not some sort of dream!! But still..... OH MY GOSH. I can't fudgin' believe this!! What did I eat last time? A cup of magic noodles or something?!

"Can you come with me to the Hokage?" Iruka-sensei asked and I just nodded, beads of sweat trickling down my face.

"S-Sure....." I stuttered and Naruto simply tilted his head a little, like a cute little puppy, still staring at me. I really wanna' be with him!!

Not be with him like his girlfriend or something!! I mean literally be with him! Always!! Live with him, play with him, make pranks with him, eat with him, sleep with him, something like that! It's because Naruto's personality and characteristics amuse me!! I think it'll be so much fun staying by his side for the rest of my fudgin' life as a fudgin' anime character!

"Rinn-chan, come with me!!" Naruto whisper-yelled and I just glanced at the still-walking-without-a-care-in-the-world Iruka-sensei. I grinned and nodded. Then, Naruto dragged me towards who-knows-where.

Soon, we arrived at the oh-so-famous ramen stand, and I can't help but drool. This is really awesome! I didn't know that I could taste Naruto's favorite food! I don't even know if I can literally taste it 'cause seriously! It's a food from an anime show! It's what I watch from the television! It's animated!! But heeey! I can still eat it..... Right? Since it's still considered as edible!! But..... I don't have any money. Ugh. I feel like anime-sweatdropping. How does my brain work?


Naruto treated me a bowl of oh-so-delicious ramen a while ago. At the current time, we are already finished eating and are talking about random stuffs. I chose the beef-thing flavor because I don't like the miso one. Yeah, seriously. It felt weird on my tastebuds when I shoved a spoonful of that. That happened last year, back in my real world, hahahah! Just saying!!

Iruka-sensei suddenly appeared out of nowhere and brought me to the Hokage's place, holding my arm this time, to make sure I don't escape again. I didn't escape!! Naruto just treated me! Huhuhu~!!

Anyway, time skip again, and we are already finished talking with each other. There is something that's bugging me though, but since I'm surprisingly tired, I just ignored it.

"Why do you look like Naruto so much?"

I didn't pay attention too much 'cause I was feeling sleepy during my awesome interview.

But what did he mean? I have long black hair and bright green eyes while Naruto has awesome blond hair and blue eyes. Meh.... The Hokage must be tired as well, that was why he was just seeing things...


Naruto's Twin Sister (Naruto Fanfiction) (Complete Book 1) (EDIT MODE ON XD)Where stories live. Discover now