Finally... a Baby!

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You were sitting in your bathroom floor holding the pregnancy test in your hand and it said positive. You couldn't believe it, you and your husband Liam were finally going to have a baby!

You and Liam had been married for 5 years and you were starting to get worried that you wouldn't be able to have kids. This baby was definitely an answer to your prayers!

Liam was at the studio with the boys working on the new album so you were going to tell him when he got home at 7:00. It was currently 2:30 so you wanted to come up with a cute way to tell him before he got home.

You got up and ran downstairs, sat on the couch, and got on your laptop to look up cute ways to tell him that you were pregnant.

"Tell him by a dinner with baby everything, like baby carrots etc. NO! Ok let's see what's next buy him a mug that says#1 dad, NO!" You said to yourself. You couldn't find anything and then an idea hit you.

You had a ton of pictures of you and Liam on your computer. They went from just being friends, to dating, to engaged, to married, til now. You were good at editing, so you decided to make a picture movie set to your and Liam's song "Baby It's Cold Outside". It would go through your relationship in pictures and then it would end with a picture of the positive pregnancy test!

You went and took a picture of the test that was in your bathroom and then you hid the test in your cabinet. You uploaded the picture to your computer and immediately started making the movie.

Finally the video was done and you thought it was perfect!

It was about 4:45 and you still had a couple hours until Liam was home. You cleaned the house up and the movie ready to be played. You went and got pizza for dinner, it was your and Liam's favorite. You would always get pizza and watch movies.

So you texted and told him "Hey Liam movie night tonight! Xx (your name)".

He texted back and said "can't wait! I'll be home at 7:30".

You got the pizza and drove back home and it was now a half an hour til Liam would be home! You got everything out needed for movie night which included soda, chips, pizza, and a stack of movies.

You barely had everything done and had just sat down on the couch when Liam walked in. He walked over to you and gave you a hug and kiss and said "Hey babe".

"Hi" you said and you started to get nervous.

You got the food and drinks and sat down with it on your couch. Liam sat next to you and you started to eat the pizza.

"Babe are you ok?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" you said getting even more nervous knowing it was almost time to watch the video.

"Well you're just acting different than usual (your name)" Liam said.

"I promise I'm fine. I'm gonna start the video ok?" You said.

"Yeah that's fine" Liam said.

You started the video and sat down next to Liam and cuddled up to his side.

"Aw did you make this for us babe?" Liam asked just after a couple pictures had been seen.

"Yes!" You said.

"Well I love it so far!" Liam said and leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

You were watching and you knew the picture of the pregnancy test was about to come up and you started to freak out inside. Then next thing you know the picture of the positive test came up and you looked at Liam who was sitting there with his eyes glued to the screen, his eyes were huge and his jaw was dropped.

The screen went black, showing that the video was over. Liam looked over at you and you had a huge smile on your face!

"I-I-is that tr-u-ue (your name)?" Liam asked.

"YES!" You said excited.

"OH MY GOSH! IM SO HAPPY!" Liam said.

Then he picked you up and spun you around and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips.

"How far along are you babe?" Liam asked when he finally sat you down.

"4 weeks, so we have 8 months left!" You said.

"I can't wait! Liam said.

*Flash forward 8 months later*

You sat in the hospital bed holding your new baby girl.

"She's perfect babe" Liam said. "How did I become so lucky that I got the two most perfect girls in the world?".

"I don't know... And yes she is perfect" you said.

Your baby girl, y/b/n, was only about an hour old at this point and you couldn't wait to see what was going to happen in the future with her. You don't want the time to go by too quick, but she will always be your baby.

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