Our Love Story

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I've known Niall my whole life. We've been best friends since preschool, now we are in high school, it's time for prom and I have no date at all since me and my boyfriend broke up a month ago.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard Niall say as he was walking over to my locker

"Hey Niall" I said to him.

"So as you know, prom is next Friday and I was uh well wondering if you would uh maybe go with me?" Niall asked me

"Sure! That could be fun!" I replied

"Really Y/N, I'm kinda asking you to be my girlfriend, I've liked you for a long time and well yeah" Niall said

"Oh wow! Yeah Niall I'll be your girlfriend!" I replied jumping on the inside!  


Me and Niall have been dating for about two years now. We are going on a date for our two year anniversary about a month and a half early tonight. Since Niall joined "One Direction" he isn't home much.

I got ready and waited for Niall downstairs at our flat. He got ready and we left and went to my favorite restaurant y/fr/n! After that we went on a walk along the beach and all of a sudden Niall got down on one knee and pulled out a box showing a beautiful ring!

"Y/N, princess, I love you so much will you be my wife?" "Yes!!!" I said jumping up and down and he put the ring on my finger.


So Niall and the guys are working on a new album called "Midnight Memories" and after it is released they are going on a stadium tour across the world! More exciting news however, when the tour is over, I will have graduated college and we are going to have our wedding!

I know we have been engaged a year and a half and it will be 3 years before we are married, but with his band and stuff it's almost impossible to find a time. However, the wedding planning is going good and I can't wait to see how it all comes together!  


"Y/N! I'm so proud of you princess!" Niall said "Aw thanks babe" you said

"I can't wait for next month!" Niall said

"Me either our wedding is gonna be perfect!" You said to him

"Do you have everything ready?" Niall asked you

"Niall you've been helping me plan shouldn't you know?" You said laughing

"Well I just wondered... Gosh!" Niall said

"Haha I know and actually, everything is planned and bought except for a couple pictures for the reception" you said

"Oh that's not much at all" Niall said

"I know, now I wanna go home and be lazy! College was tough!" You said and Niall and you both started laughing as you walked to the car.


You got all ready and were in your beautiful white strapless dress, your makeup and hair was done perfectly by Lou.

You left the hotel you were getting ready at and you and your bridesmaids got into a limo and went to the church. You saw your dad and went over by him so he could walk you down the aisle.

After you walked down the aisle you and Niall looked at each other and said your vows you both wrote for each other. Then the preacher said "Niall, you may now kiss the bride" and Niall gave you the sweetest kiss you had ever had and you knew that it was worth the wait!

"Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Niall James Horan!" The preacher said as you and Niall walked out hand in hand.

After you had and amazing reception along with Niall singing "Little Things" to you. After several hours of the reception, you and Niall left and drove to the airport to get on a airplane to Hawaii for your honeymoon!

The trip was a lot of fun! You got to spend a lot of time on the beach which you loved! After a fun week in Hawaii you and Niall went back home to your new house you had recently bought and you were so excited to finally be husband and wife!

"Niall I have something to tell you" you said to him

"Ok what is it? Niall asked

"I'm pregnant!" You blurted out.

Niall jumped up off the couch and picked you up and spun you around.

"I can't believe it!" Niall said kissing you

"You're gonna make the best dad" you said

"You’re going to make an amazing mum!" Niall said.  

9 months later

"He's so beautiful babe" Niall said to you

"I can't believe y/s/n is finally here! He is perfect!" You said to Niall

The three of you were in a hospital room all alone and y/s/n was only about an hour old.

Just then you heard a knock on the door and Niall went and opened it to see your parents, Niall's parents, the lads and their girlfriends! Everybody saw y/s/n and everybody was so happy!

Niall looked over at you and gave you a kiss and said "I love you Y/N!"

"I love you Niall!" you said, earning "awwwws" from everyone in the room!

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