Day 1 - Up or Down

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Prompt: "Going up or down?" Write a scene that takes place in an elevator.

It's a typical Wednesday morning. It just rained outside, leaving the busy streets in a splash of grey and brown. In one tall building, Elaine emerges from a rotating door, bringing in a wind of fresh post-rain smell. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hands, Elaine quickly stomps on the mat on the floor. A wave of tiredness passes over, but Elaine shakes the feeling off. It's only the start of a very long day.

A couple people pass by, and Elaine shuffles on with them, headed for the elevator.


The set of elevator doors slide open, revealing crammed passengers inside. They file out hurriedly, and Elaine walks in. She presses 19.

Two other people are in the elevator with her. On her right is a stout man in a trenchcoat and boater and carrying a briefcase. There is this big wart on the tip of his crooked nose. For a moment, Elaine pictures him like Sherlock Holmes. To the left of Elaine is a woman meticulously dressed in a standard white blouse and black skirt. She stands with an air of elegance, a composure that couldn't even be taken away by the dusty-smelling, squishy elevator.

Floor 5.

Soon, the elevator doors open again, and the woman walks out, clicking her heels rhythmically.

Then it's just Elaine and the man. She sneaks peeks at him, wondering what's going on inside his head. Is he as bothered as she is at the silence? Is he bored? Irritated? Anxious?

Floor 10.

Elaine wants to break the silence. Smash it into shattering shards that will skitter all over the floor. But an invisible force is stopping her, restraining her mouth. Is it fear? Elaine struggles with shyness. She wants to change, but can't. 

Floor 15.

The elevator doors open. The man is preparing to step out the door, and Elaine has to do something quick before he leaves.

"Good morning." Elaine musters up a weak smile.

The man looks back, a wide smile cracking on his face. "Good morning."

AN// Um, I don't really know what I'm doing. I used to be a what I considered decent writer, but I haven't read or written anything in ages due to laziness and can't write for my life now. So, I'm trying to do a 30-day challenge where I write a little bit each day to kind of get my writing skills back. I don't even understand what I wrote here myself....I had some good ideas in my head but I don't know how to write them out and it's so late. Oh well, it's a start. Let's see how it goes tomorrow – or next time.

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