Day 9 - Argument at the Bar

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Prompt: Two characters who are romantically involved are having an argument at a bar. Character one hates public displays and is trying to be hushed, character two doesn't care at all what the other patrons think.

Andrea rakes her hand through her hair, agitated. "Are you serious, Ross? Do you" – her voice rises an octave – "actually think I'd believe this?"

The seventeen-year-old guy in front of her winces. "Ree, I'm sorry, okay, I –"

"No. You know what? I'm done," Andrea says, staring coldly at Ross. "I'm sick of your excuses! Despite everything I've told you!"

People around the couple are starting to turn around, pointing and whispering to each other. Ross looks around nervously and reaches for Andrea's shoulders. "I didn't do anything with her though! I've known her for years and we're good friends. Can you please quiet down now? People are looking."

Andrea evades Ross's hands and scoffs, "Huh, quiet down." She laughs quietly to herself, before continuing, "Is that all you have to say? Quiet down?" Suddenly, Andrea shoots up and slams her palm on the table. A loud bang echoes in the room. Almost instantly, the bar quiets down. Ross squirms in his chair. His eyes dart wildly around the room and his mouth goes dry. He swallows, but the sense of dread and embarrassment still lingers. 

"I'll tell you to quiet down! God, you must be an idiot to do that," Andrea shouts.

Every pair of eyes is trained on Andrea and Ross now. Ross stands up and makes apologetic gestures to the guests. Then, turning to Andrea, he pleads, "Okay, I'm the idiot here, I'm sorry, Ree, I shouldn't have done that, but can we be quieter here?" Ross is taller than Andrea, but at the moment he's bending down to match her height. He begs Andrea with his eyes that are sparkling with hope.

"No, we absolutely cannot!" Andrea cries. Her face is distorted with anger now.

"Ree," he whispers, "please –"

"Don't 'Ree' me! Didn't you think of me when you went to her house? Didn't you think of me when you freaking kissed her?"

Andrea glares right back at Ross, unmoving. Ross's eyebrows knit together worriedly, and his lips go slightly agape. No one says a word, and for a moment, the bar is silent. 


A half-eaten plate shatters on the ground, leaving a glob of smushed food and porcelain. "I'm furious at you and all you care about is how I'm disturbing others? I'll show you how to not disturb!" Her eyes on fire, Andrea spins around to meet the eyes of the bar guests. "When you meet people like him," Andrea jabs a finger forcefull at Ross, "stay away! Because they are cheaters, you hear me? Stupid, lying, heartbreaking cheaters!" 

Andrea swallows hard. "We're done," she states at Ross, her voice breaking. "Goodbye, Ross." With that, she grabs her purse and marches out the bar, leaving Ross in mortifying silence.

AN// Hey, I'm on a roll! Haha.

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