Day 14 - In Five Years

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Prompt: Five years from now, I will be....

Five years from now, I will be sitting on a metal chair, straps securing my body. A speaker above will announce, "T-minus one minute....thirty seconds....five, four, three, two, one, and blast off!"

With a deafening boom and a blast of pressure, I will soar out into the skies and break its limits. I will gaze out at the porthole in wonder as I see me leave the blue earth slowly. The cities will turn into buttons, the seas will turn into droplets, and soon I will be leaving the blue planet. I will venture out into the darkness, the unknown. I will see for myself the sparkling stars and swirling galaxies. I will discover new planets and learn new things in the galaxy out there. 

Five years from now, I will be seated in an armchair of a submarine. I will dive deep into the oceans, into the infinite wonders that have perplexed oceanologists for centuries. I will swim with the colorful schools of fish, play with dolphins, and dance with jellyfish. Soon, I will reach the midnight zone, and witness the abyss, where no light penetrates. I will unearth all the secrets hidden in the dark.

Five years from now, I will be standing in front of a floor-length whiteboard, scribbling math equations furiously on it. Hundreds of students will be seated in front of me, diligently noting down my every word. My voice will reach even the furthest student, lighting everyone's minds. I will be renown throughout the world for my lectures.

Five years from now, I will be hunched over on a metal table, deftly using all types of hand tools, slaving away at a masterpiece. Sparks will fly as I melt each piece. I will be in a room piled with mountains of scraps, all unfinished robot parts. I will be a world champion robot creator, building robots that solve world problems. Gears will be whirring alive in my head as I contemplate problems I reach. I will carefully consider each hour I spend on my robots. 

And five years from now, I will wake up in my bed, wistfully remembering my dreams from last night.

AN// Ehh.

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