Beach Camping

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Y/n's Pov

"You're joking (A/N Joe Kingh) right?" I ask Wyatt as we are driving down to the site us and a few of our friends will be camping at for the next week. "I'm not, I swear!" He replies. "Ok, ok whatever you say." I roll my eyes and look out the window at the trees passing by. Wyatt and I have been best friends for around 2 years now and we've taken this trip every year together with Wyatt's parents but this year we're going alone with Jack, Jaeden, Finn, Sophia, Jeremy and Chosen. Wyatt met them on the set of a movie they're in called 'It' and he quickly introduced them to me knowing that we'd instantly get along. We've been friends ever since.

"So Y/n, are you gonna share a tent with Finn?" He says in a teasing voice. "No! Of course not! We've already discussed this, I'm sharing with you." I say, my face getting redder by the second. Wyatt knows I like Finn, I have ever since I met him. Of course, like any friend would, he teases me about it all the time. "Ok I'm sorry I can't help it." He says. "I know. That's what friends are for, right?" "Right." He says chuckling. Another half hour filled with weird conversations and we've arrived at our destination.

"Thank you so much Mr and Mrs Oleff for driving us!" I say. "Of course, anytime Y/n it was our pleasure." Says Wyatt's mum. "If you kids need anything just give us a call, we're staying at a motel not far from here." Wyatt's dad adds. "Ok, thanks. Enjoy the motel!" I say and wave goodbye. They say their own goodbyes before turning their focus to their son. I let Wyatt say goodbye to his parents and turn to look at the familiar view.

We are at a beach that hardly anyone knows about. It is the most beautiful place you can imagine. Soft sand and blue water, dunes leading to a patch of grass that has enough space to fit almost five tents. Behind that is a small path with sand either side, leading the way to a bumpy dirt road that takes you out into the real world. The best part about this place is the small, old jetty that stands above the water. It has a rusty ladder on top of the sand that climbs up the side of the jetty which leads to what can become a dance floor, a living area or the world's greatest diving board.

After I've taken in the view I walk to the back of the car and begin unloading it. As I take out the last of our supplies I wave to Wyatt's parents and shut the boot of the car. Wyatt and I stand there waving at his parents as they pull out of their park and drive out of view. "Let's get started. We have an hour until the rest of the losers get here." Wyatt says once his parents have faded into the distance. We start grabbing tents, eskis (or coolers if you're from anywhere else other than Australia) and our duffel bags and begin to set up our home for the next week.


It has been almost an hour since we were left alone when we finish setting up the camp. We stand next to the tents as we admire our work, high fiving and doing a brief victory dance as celebration. We have four tents pitched on the patch of grass we stand on, each tent holding two people. Next to the tents we have a couple of boxes full of food for the next week. We've hung lights up under the jetty that will turn on once it's dark and a beach tent is set up next to the jetty with a cool eski filled with soft drink (or soda, pop, etc.).

Wyatt and I quickly get changed into our bathers, throwing our clothes on top of them and finish just in time to hear the rest of the losers arrive. We walk up the path just in time to see Chosen's mum driving away and we give her a quick wave to let her know we are here. "Hey, would you look at that. It's noodles and our favourite adopted loser. What's up guys?" "Hey Chosen, it's good to see you too." I reply with a chuckle. We then begin the long ritual that is greeting my fellow losers.

"Hey Jaeden, how have you been?", "You're an idiot Jack, you know that right?", Hi Jeremy, what's up with the ring?", "Sophia! I've missed you so much!" After the longest catch up I've ever had with Sophia I turn to greet Finn. "What's up Finny boy?" I say, my heart already beginning to beat faster. "Hey Y/n/n! Oh nothing really, I'm just at an amazing beach with my friends for a week so yeah not much." "Yeah it is pretty cool." I say, laughing lightly at his response. "Definitely. Now stop standing there awkwardly and come give your bestie a hug." He says with his arms opened wide. We laugh as I walk into the hug, his arms wrapping around me tightly. He releases me and we make our way over to the other losers and begin to walk down to the beach.

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