Ice Skating

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Y/n's Pov

"Yes, ok. See you at 8!" I say and hang up on my friend Gemma. We're both incredibly bored and decided to hang out tonight. After an extremely long phone call we decided to go ice skating since our local rink has a 2 for one deal on skates. It's only 5pm so I lay back on my bed and open my laptop, making the mistake of watching 'one' episode of Stranger Things.

Three episodes later I take a look at the time. It's 7:13. Shit, I only have 47 minutes to get ready and be there. I quickly shut the lid of my laptop and put it on charge before deciding a shower takes too long and head straight for my deodorant. I throw on an outfit that I've worn before so I know it looks good. I run to the bathroom and start on my hair, putting it in a simple ponytail. I pull some baby hairs out of the sides and then get straight onto my makeup. I rush through everything, leaving out certain things that take a million years to do until it comes to eyeliner. I pray to the eyeliner gods that I don't fuck this up as I do it because if I do, it will waste precious time.

I guess my prayers were answered and I manage to do my eyeliner with only a little trouble. I then grab my small black backpack and shove my purse, earphones and phone inside and rush down stairs to put on my shoes. I check the time. 7:41pm, lucky the ice rink is close to my house. I yell at my mum on the way to my door, "IM GOING ICESKATING WITH GEMMA, ILL BE BACK BY 11!" And I grab my jacket on the way out. I'm out the door at 7:48pm and luckily it only takes me 10 minutes to walk there so I can take it slow. I take out my earphones and press shuffle. F/s is the first song to play and I smile, knowing that tonight is going to be a good night.


Gemma is waiting out the front when I get there and I jog up to her. She turns around and smiles at me before giving me a hug. "Hey, you ready to go in?" I say. "Yeah I've just been holding something in the whole car ride here and I just need to tell you." She replies, actually looking in pain from not being able to tell me this thing although I may have an idea of what it is. "I just needed to say Wyatt is a really cool dude and I want to marry him." I knew it. "I know Gemma, I know. You'll get him one day. Who can turn down that Excessive Gingival Display?" (A/N Google it.)

You see Gemma and I have a slight obsession. Hers is over Wyatt Oleff and mine over Finn Wolfhard. I mean, can you blame us? They're just two really awesome guys that happen to be in a really great movie that we both really like and yeah, it's a bit weird but I'm sure there are a lot weirder things out there. Poor Aishlynn has to deal with us all day. Of course she's no better when it comes to Jaeden.

Gemma and I walk into the ice rink and go over to the counter where they hire out the skates. "Um, can we please hire some skates?" I say. "Yes of course, what size?" The man behind the counter says. "One size (your shoe size) and another size..." "5." Gemma finishes off for me. I smile at her and we grab our skates, paying and thanking the man and then heading off to put them on. We step onto the ice and look around. No one is here which is extremely strange(r things) but we've got the rink to ourselves so I'm not complaining. Of course at first we look like baby giraffes trying to walk for the first time but we slowly get the hang of it like we always do and transform into graceful ice skating gazelles (of course we actually look like more stable baby giraffes).


It's almost 10pm when we decide to get some food. We order a bowl of hot chips to share and sit there eating them, talking in between mouthfuls of chips. We finish the bowl and just before we get back onto the rink I say, "Hey I'm just going to the toilet, ok?" She nods and gets back onto the rink. I walk over to the toilets not looking forward to taking these skates off only to put them back on again.

looooong imagines; finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now