Live Stream

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Y/n's Pov

I groan as I roll off my bed and land on the floor with a thud. "You alright there?" A voice asks from my bed. "Yup." I reply, deciding that it would be much easier to just stay on the ground and continue scrolling through my explore page on Instagram, half of which is It and Stranger Things related posts. I see a fluffy head of hair hang over the edge of my bed and look over to be met with the eyes of the one person who could break my heart at any moment. I look up at Finn and give him an expectant look as I wait for him to speak. He rolls off the bed and lays next to me. "Whatcha doing?" He asks me. "The same thing I was doing five minutes ago when you last asked and the five minutes before that and the ten minutes before that and-" "Yeah yeah I get it." He cuts me off, "I'm boredddd." He complains. "Entertain yourself thennn." I reply, continuing to scroll through Instagram. He takes my phone from my hands and turns it off, forcing me to look at him. "I already tried that, come on please do something with me." I wish I was able to say no but my brain has decided for me that those eyes are too hard to say no to. I sigh and sit up, replying with, "You're lucky I love you." And I did. Just not in the way he thinks.

We decide on baking brownies since it was the only rational decision. By the way, by 'baking' we mean opening up a packet mix and adding water to it before putting it in the oven and taking it out way too early because we were too impatient. "Pour the contents of the bag into a large mixing bowl." I read off the back of the box. Finn tries and struggles to open the packet, eventually resorting to using his teeth causing the bag to completely rip open and half its contents to spill on the floor. "Great job Wolfhard you failed the first step." I say as I reach for the broom. Once the floor has been cleaned I take over, pouring the water, egg and melted butter into the bowl and begin stirring it, only allowing Finn to help again at this point. As he finishes stirring the mixture I begin cleaning up the mess we made all along the counters and sink. Once I finish this Finn is pouring the mixture into a baking pan lined with messily cut baking paper, getting mixture all over his fingers. I smile at his pathetic attempt and after he slides the tray into the oven he walks over to me, licking the mixture off his fingers. He leans on the counter across from me and smirks and I already know he's up to something.

Finn steps closer to me and reveals a triple choc brownie mixture coated finger. He takes his finger up to the side of my head and wipes it all down the side of my face. "FINN!" I shriek as I feel the sticky mixture on my face. He bursts out into a fit of laughter as I walk to the sink trying my best to be mad at him. "Wait! Wait." He says as I go to wash it off my face. He grabs a cloth, wets it with water and tells me to shut my eyes. I soon feel something warm and slimy go up the side of my face and open my eyes to realise that Finn has licked the mixture off. This causes him to erupt into another fit of laughter and I give him a disgusted look as I desperately try to wipe his spit off the side of my face with my sleeve. Once I've tried to wash his germs off the side of my face I give him a good punch in the arm and say, "Why are you such an asshole!" Which doesn't seem to help him get over his laughing fit. I fail to hold back a smile as I watch him double over in laughter. "How long to go?" He asks as soon as he's calmed down enough to be able to produce a proper sentence. I check the timer on my phone and reply with, "20 minutes." "What?! I can't wait that long!" He declares. "You wanna go live?" I suggest. He thinks about it for a moment before replying with, "Sure."

He props up his phone and begins a live stream on Instagram. We stand and watch as the number of viewers rises quickly. "Hey guys, I'm here with Y/n." He says to the phone. "Again." I add. We take a second to scan through and answer some hellos before letting them know about our current situation. "We're waiting on some brownies that we made to come out of the oven and Finn over here is the most impatient little sh- bugger alive." I say, quickly catching myself before I swore. "Ask us some questions." Finn said as we scan through the spam. "Why are you guys sitting so close?" I read from the chat. I only then look down and realise just how close Finn and I are. "That's a great question Finn." I say looking over at him expectantly, our faces only inches apart. He turns to look at me and sees the distance between our two faces which seems to catch him off guard. "Well you see Y/n here just can't get enough of me." He says, not breaking eye contact with me. I would reply to his answer but the thing is I am way too lost in his eyes again to answer just yet. My trance is broken by the sound of Finn clearing his throat. "O-oh right yeah. Can't get enough of that." He chuckles, looks back at the camera and says, "You heard it here first ladies and gents, Y/n Y/l/n has the hots for me." "W-what? No I do not!" I say defensively. "It's ok Y/n, I understand. What's not to love about this?" Finn says, gesturing to himself. I get redder by the minute causing Finn to laugh at me, I hide my face in my hands which he pulls away and says, "Its ok Y/n/n, I was only joking." He says with a grin and looks back at the screen. I let my eyes linger on his face a little longer than I should.

"How did you two meet?" Finn reads off the small screen. "You wanna answer this one?" He asks. "Sure." I say, continuing with, "Jaeden and I have been friends since we were 8 maybe? I'd always fly out to the states a couple of time a year to visit him but the summer of 2016 he was filming It with this idiot and the rest of the losers so I flew to Toronto for two weeks and went to set and hung out with them and stuff. I was crowned honorary loser by Jeremy so that was pretty interesting." "I think you're forgetting something." Finn says with a smirk. "What?" I ask. "A couple of nights before she left we had a little goodbye party in Jaeden's room and- mmHHm." Finn complains as I put my hand over his mouth knowing exactly what he's going to say. Too bad your lazy author can't be bothered typing it out so I guess you'll never know what happened that night. "Anddd that's a story for never." I say as I let go of Finn's mouth. We look through the chat and answer a few more questions before Finn notices a particular 'request', if you will.

"KISS!" Finn reads from the chat. "Opinions, thoughts?" Finn asks me with a smirk. "I don't think so." I say. "Aw come on Y/n/n, just a little peck?" He says, puckering his lips. "Sounds like you want to kiss me." "Maybe I do." He replies. "Fine." I say, placing a peck on his cheek. "I don't think that's what they meant." He says. "Ok fine, if I have to." I say. I slowly begin to lean in, making sure Finn stays still. Just as our lips are about to touch I reach over and stop the live stream and pull away from Finn. It takes him a couple of seconds to realise what happened. "What happened to my kiss?" He asks. "You didn't actually think we were going to kiss, did you?" I ask, walking over to the oven to check on the brownies. "You're such a tease." He comments. I turn back around to face him and say, "If you want to kiss me so bad, why don't you just do it?" "Ok, I will then." He says and with that he hops down off the counter where he was perched and strides over to me. He grabs my face and places a kiss to my lips. He steps back and looks at me, his gaze asking for validation. I stand shocked for a second before a small smile plays on my lips as I grab his shirt, my smile growing and pull him in for another more passionate kiss. I can feel him smile into it. Once we pull apart we take one look at each other before he wraps me in a hug, his head resting on top of mine, both our faces wearing massive grins.




I hope you enjoyed, I had fun writing this one.

Until next time.

looooong imagines; finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now