Losers Like Us Can't Fall in Love

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Y/ns Pov

I hear the front door open and continue reading my fanfic, not panicking since the only person it could be is my best friend Finn Wolfhard. He walks into the living room saying, "What's up, dork?" "Not much, loser." I reply, smiling at our nicknames for each other. He plops down next to me, putting his arm on the couch behind me. "You didn't throw your stuff on the floor again, did you?" I murmur, not looking away from the screen. "No, no of course not!" He replies. I know he has, he always does. Finn and I have been best friends since year 3 when he told a girl that she was being a bully after she had pushed me over. He now has a key to my house and since my parents are always working, he always comes over to keep me company instead of staying home alone all holidays. It's now December 20th meaning Christmas is coming up which of course, I am extremely excited for.

"Whatcha doing?" He says, looking at my laptop screen. "Shhh let me finish reading this fanfic then I'm all yours for the rest of the day." I say, putting my hand over his mouth to shut him up. "Ok whatever you say." He says, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "There's leftovers in a container somewhere in the fridge!" I yell into the other room. "Thanks!" He replies. Soon after he comes out with a bowl full of last nights stirfry and two cans of coke. "Thanks, just put it on the table." I tell him as I start the last paragraph of my fanfiction. He turns on the TV and goes onto Netflix, scrolling through before deciding on an original called The End of The F***ing World (A/N Actually really good show I recommend). I finish my fanfiction, asking Finn, "What are we watching today?" as I put my laptop down. He pauses the episode and explains what we are watching before playing it again. Because we're losers with no lives we end up binge watching the whole season in the one sitting.

"That was actually really good." I say, looking up at Finn. We ended up cuddling like we always do and just thinking about it makes me blush. I forgot to mention something earlier. I'm in love with my best friend. I'm not exactly sure when it started but all I know is that at this point it's making me dizzy. Every day I tell myself that today's the day that I'm going to tell him but I never do. I know I can't hold it in forever, I'm going to have to tell him before it breaks me. I didn't know it was possible to love another human this much until I met Finn.


It's coming up to 10pm and Finn and I have moved from the living room to my room. "Wanna play Christmas music?" I ask Finn who is leaning against the foot of my bed, opposite me. "Sure." He says, turning off his phone. I stand up and walk over to my speaker, connecting my phone before scrolling through my 'Christmas Tunes' playlist and I eventually find a song I like and hit play. After slowly easing in with Mistletoe followed by Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree and of course the iconic All I Want For Christmas Is You by the amazing Mariah Carey, Finn and I are up on our feet, attempting to sing and dance to Last Christmas. The song finishes and we take a second to catch our breath before the opening of Idina Menzel and Michael Bublés cover of Baby It's Cold Outside begins to play. Finn looks up at me and I immediately know what he's thinking.

"I really cant stay" I begin singing, Finn singing Michaels part, "Baby it's cold outside"

"I gotta go away" We continue singing.

"Baby it's cold outside"

"This evening has been"

"Been hoping that you'd dropped in"

"So very nice"

"I'll hold your hands they're just like ice"

As Finn sings 'I'll hold your hands they're just like ice' He walks up to me and takes my hand, lacing our fingers together and putting his other hand on the small of my back. I place my hand on his shoulder and we begin dancing around the room, singing as we do so.

"My mother will start to worry"

"Beautiful what's your hurry?"

"My father will be pacing the floor"

"Listen to the fireplace roar"

"So really I'd better scurry"

"Beautiful please don't hurry"

"Well maybe just a half a drink more"

"I'll put some records on while I pour"

I stop singing after this line and take my hand out of Finn's. I wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face into his shoulder. He places his hands on my waist and we sway to the rest of the song. The last note is played and Finn and I pull apart. I look into his beautiful brown eyes, already feeling myself getting lost. He breaks our eye contact by taking my hand and leading me over to the floor by my bed. We sit down, our backs resting against the foot of the bed. He doesn't let go of my hand once we sit but I'm too deep in thought to notice.

"Y/n... I think I've fallen in love." He says, looking at the floor for a second before turning to look me in the eyes. My heart holds the tiniest slither of hope that it could be me. "Well you know what they say, losers like us can't fall in love." I reply softly, looking down at his fiddling fingers. He's nervous. "Yeah." He says with a nervous chuckle. "So who's the girl?" I ask, looking back up to meet his eyes, fully prepared to have my heart broken. "Well um... actually... it's you." He says with great difficulty. My eyes go wide and my lips part slightly. "M-me?" I stutter, still in shock. "Uh, yeah." He says awkwardly. I manage to gather most of my thoughts and eventually say. "I think I've fallen for you too." I say with a shy smile. He now stares at me with wide eyes, "R-really?" He says, a smile quickly forming on his face. "Yes." I say as we sit, staring at each other in utter shock, our thoughts in a billion places.

"Can I kiss you?" He says in a whisper so soft, it is barely audible. I nod my head once, not able to speak, my eyes trailing down to his lips. I look back up at his eyes to see his full attention is on my lips. He leans in, tilting his head slightly. Our noses are touching, I can feel his breath on my lips. He looks into my eyes once more before he shuts them, closes the remaining space between us and placing a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away, searching my eyes for any sign of regret. A small smile rests on my lips as I lean in again, placing my hand on his cheek. The kiss is slow and filled with love, far more than you would expect from two teenagers. But they can't help it you see. They're just two losers who fell in love.



Ok so I know that this wasnt the longest one shot I've done and it went kinda fast but apart from all that this is the happiest and most proud I've ever been after writing a chapter/one shot. I hope you enjoyed, I can definitely say it's my favourite thing I've written on Wattpad.

Until next time.

looooong imagines; finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now