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"Hey, Karl! Would you mind moving those big feet of yours? Can't you see I'm cleaning?" I told him. I'm currently cleaning our living room, and my great best friend isn't helping at all.

"Mae, can't you see? I'm resting. I'm really exhausted."

He really looks tired, though. He had a basketball game a while ago and decided to stay here because my parents are at work.

"Fine!" I continued my cleaning duties.

While I was doing my chores, I heard him snore. I looked at him, and he was sleeping peacefully. I moved closer to his face and stared at it.

What's with that face, James Karl Foxx? Your dazzling blue eyes, proud and sharp nose, thin and kissable lips, then messy and dark brown hair make him look like a bad boy. That's just the face when I looked downward. His sweat is running down to his six-pack abs. Damn! Why is he topless?

"Done checking me out, Mae?" I heard his voice. I looked at him, but his eyes were closed so I assumed that it was just in my head.

"Why are you so perfect?" I asked out of nowhere.

"I don't know." I gasped when I saw him speak. "So, are you done checking me out?"

"W-Why would I stare at you, ugly monkey?" I asked, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Mmm-hmm... Ugly monkey? But I heard you asking me why I'm perfect, Mae. So, you think I'm perfect?" He then plastered a smirk on his face.

"Idiot! Wear a shirt, Karl! Your fat tummy is so disgusting!" I tried changing the topic.

"Fat tummy? Mae! You call this fat?" he said in an unbelievable tone while pointing at his abs.

"Yeah! Fats! You're also sweaty, and you might get sick! Change upstairs, you know where your room is and please, take a bath." I almost shouted at him.

Yes, he has a room here. I, too, have a room in their house. My mom and his are best friends, they want us, as their children, to also be best friends. Well, that's what my mom told me.

"I'll do that if you give me a hug, best friend."

I can feel my face heating up. "Eww. Nopey nope! You're so sweaty. Yuck, Karl."

"If you won't come to me, then I'll come to you. Choose, Mae. Who'll move, you or me?" He flashed his Oh So Cute-Teasing smile.

"We will both move. I'll go to the kitchen, you'll go to your room. Go on."

I was heading to the kitchen when Karl hugged me from behind, and I could feel his arms around my waist. He then carried me to his room.

"Karl! Let go! Karl! Wha-what are you doing? K-Karl!" I continued shouting, but Karl acted as if he couldn't hear me.

When he successfully opened the door of his room, he pushed me in and locked the door. We both laugh.

"Silly! I need to cook dinner," I said while laughing. He looked at me and showed me his famous puppy eyes, which he always uses to make me do a favor for him. "What is it this time, best?"

"Requirements... Papers... School... Tomorrow... Help..." He really likes doing that five words describing his message for me.

"Hmm... You need my help to buy the requirements, to do the papers for your transfer to my school tomorrow, right?" He nodded. "Fine! You owe me a lot of ice cream already."

I saw him punching the air because of so much happiness. He ran towards me and then hugged me. "Thank you so much, Mae! You're the best!"

Anything for you, Karl.

"I know. Now get off of me. I need to cook!" I almost shrieked. Actually, I don't want him to get off of me. I love it when he hugs me.

We're already in fourth-year college, both taking business management because of our parents. My family owns one of the best restaurants in America, Asia, and Europe. But the main branch is here in Ottawa, Canada. My hometown. While Karl's family owns one of the best bars here in America, in Asia, and soon in Europe.

He'll transfer to my school on Monday. Today's Saturday, so I still have tomorrow to do all his work.

After he showered, we ate dinner, and he decided to sleep here, in his room.

"Goodnight and Sweet dreams, Mae," Karl said then he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, sweetest dreams, Karl." I smiled sweetly before I closed the door. "I love you," I whispered, then I went to my bed and slept.



"I love you," I whispered, right after she closed her door then I went to my room and decided to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at seven AM, and I decided to make breakfast. I only made pancakes and hot chocolates, enough for Mae and me then I went upstairs and knocked.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

When I opened the door, I saw Mae still lying on her bed, eyes closed.

You really are an angel, Vanessa Mae Walker. You are the most perfect girl I ever met in my life. Your pure black wavy, long hair. Your brown, beautiful eyes. Your cute, little nose. Your kissable lips.

"It's early in the morning, and yet, you're already checking me out, Karl," she said in a very sexy voice.

When I look at her, she's smirking, but her eyes are closed. I kissed her forehead. "Silly! You're just dreaming. Wake up, I made us breakfast."

She opened her eyes and smiled. "Let's just say I believed your lie."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Mae. Let's eat. You're going to help me with my requirements and papers, right?" I finally finished my first pancake.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't forget about my ice cream, okay?" She waited for the hot choco to cool down. I nodded.

After we finished breakfast, we decided to do everything I need, from requirements to school supplies, and at the end of the day, we went home. Me to my house, and Mae to hers.

Tomorrow's gonna be a big day for me.

"I'll do anything, just to be with you, Mae," I whispered before going to sleep.

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