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Slowly the girl opened her eyes and blurs started to fade. As she saw the clear view. Miruku gasped in terror.

Now its real, she's back. Back again in the laboratory. She felt nervous, scared so she took off the blanket that covered her and ran. She searched for exits but the place was just like a maze. Every door she enters brings her back to where she came.

Yet she didnt stop until she bumped on someone. Miruku widened her eyes that she was caught. "Oh, you're awake?" The man with sharp teeth in white said.

"N-no. I don't want to go back." She clenched her fist. "I am not a test subject!" She groaned.

"Huh?" Suigetsu raised a brow. Then Miruku swiped his feet and he fell unto his butt. And Miruku didn't know that Suigetsu's body is made of water and was now locked on Miruku's right leg.

Before Miruku could get away, something grabbed her leg and tripped. "What the..." Then she noticed the water on her leg that was attached to the man.

She can't break free. The man giggled and put on an irritated face. "You have guts to do that to me." Said Suigetsu and suddenly he trapped Miruku inside a ball of water.

Miruku was struggling. She can't breathe. She squirmed and tried to punch the outer part of the ball but it wasn't any help.

..help Please, h-help..I can't..

..hey brat.. stay with me.. Oi! Be angry or something.. I'll come out..

..I can't..t-think..

Then the water was released. Miruku fell on the ground catching her breath and saw another man besides Suigetsu. It was beautiful, it's hair, it's skin, it's everything. Though she can't tell whether it was a girl or a boy.

The beautiful person reached a hand to Miruku and was carried bridal style. They walked to a room and place Miruku in a bed. Miruku backed up a little bit from them.

The beautiful person bowed. "I'm sorry for his rude behaviour. We wouldn't have done it if you didn't intrude in our property." Miruku was shocked by the husky voice from the beautiful person.

"P-please let me out of here." Miruku uttured holding back her tears in fear.

"You just barge in our place and this is what you say? Sorry would have been acceptable." Suigetsu's rolled his eyes then kept quite when the beautiful person glared at him.

"My name is Orochimaru, and this rude guy is Suigetsu. May we know yours pretty lady?" Orichimaru asked.

Miruku bit her lip and looked down "Miruku, and I'm so sorry to intrude you." She sat up and bowed.

Orochimaru giggled and lifted her heAd. "It's alright but you can't go out." He said.

Miruku widened her eyes then clenched her fist. "But I need to go now." Miruku exclaimed yanking Orichimaru's yukata.

Miruku realized what she did And suddenly she took off her hands. Orochimaru again giggled and patted the girl's head. "You can't for now. Night time are very dangerous for people in forest, so stay here for now. I'll escort you back tomorrow." Orichimaru smiled.

Miruku's eyes started to tear up and she hugged Orochimaru. Orochimaru was surprised and chuckled. "Thank so much. I don't know what to say." Miruku smiled widely and made Orochimaru widened his eyes and blush.

"But for now, a bath and dinner." Suigetsu interrupted.

Orochimaru smiled and so did Miruku.

Time passed after taking a bath Miruku wore a yukata and walked to a room. Miruku's eyes sparkled from the food in the table. Suigetsu was already sitting in there and it was silent.

"Hey, sorry I almost killed you." Suigetsu spoke.

Miruku smiled. "It's ok, I should be the one saying sorry for attacking you first." She said.

Suigetsu giggled. "But you know, it was an impressive move for a girl like you." Suigetsu grinned at the girl.

Miruku pouts and played with her fingers. "M-may I go to the bathroom first. I'll be back in a jazz." She stuttered and walked towards the bathroom.

She was a bit curious why the lights were on. So she as she opened the door. "Oh, hello~" Orochimaru was half naked only showing his upper body.

He was pale, slim and really hot. Miruku turned 50 shades of crimson and turned around. "I-i-im s-sorry!" Miruku ran as fast as she could and went back to the dinning place.

Suigetsu noticed Miruku was catching her breath and her face was shaded red. He raised and brow and rested his head in his Palm. "Something happened?"

"N-nothing." She dinied in a low voice.

"Oh, did you see Orochimaru on your way? He was suppose to take a bath. I forgot to tell you." Suigetsu reminded lately.

..you could've told me before I left!..

..but I know you liked the view..

..Oh shut up..

"I did." She said and turned really really red.

"Are you sure nothing happened? You look like a ripe tomato." Suigetsu said and Miruku covered her red face.

When Miruku was about to reply Suigetsu. Orochimaru went inside the room with his proper dress on still wearing his smiling face. "Thank you for waiting. Now let's dig in." Orochimaru said like nothing even happened.

"You look a little bit happy Orochimaru." Suigetsu raised a brow as he chew his food.

"Nah, I just find Ms. Miruku cute." Orochimaru grinned at her.

Miruku pouts her mouth still her cheeks red. Until they finished dinner Miruku stayed silent. She did the dishes to pay them a little and went out a bit.

Miruku sat on the big rock not far from the cave. She sighed and looked up in the sky. "I wonder why my body moved on its own when I saw it."

"What did you saw?" Orochimaru suddenly appeared then Miruku sat straight.

"I uhmmm." Miruku's face flushed red again and looked down on the ground.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. It was an accident right?" Orochimaru sat besides her.

"Y-yeah, I thought someone left the lights on." She grumped.

"Then may I know why you got here." Orochimaru asked.

Miruku played with her finger. "Well, it was this. I was love at first sight with someone then a girl kissed him in front of me then my body moved on it's on till lost myself and got here. I don't know why I was angry. I only met him for a couple of days and I even almost kissed him after I confessed to him." Miruku explained.

Orochimaru chuckled. "That's love. Though I haven't experience this thing." He said.

"Really? That means you don't have children?" Miruku asked in surprise.

"Oh I do have two of them. I made them in my lab but I treasure them. Because out of all my experiments those two are my favorite." Orochimaru smiled.

"Is that so? Good for you. But where are they?" Miruku asked.

Orochimaru hummed. "Mitsuki the older one lives somewhere far and the younger one Mitsuki is in Konoha." He answered.

"Really! I came from Konoha too." Miruku exclaimed joyfully.

"Oh, I do have an interview with my son at his school. Do you want to meet him after the interview?" Orochimaru asked as he smiled.

"Yes, I want to." Miruku said.

Orochimaru hummed. "I like you." Miruku froze a bit and faced Orochimaru.

"Uh?" She said dumbfounded as her cheeks started to burn.

Orochimaru giggled and cupped Miruku's red face. "And do you know what a person do when he likes her?"

To be Continued...

Faded Memories: A Story Untold (Naruto And The Next Generation Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now