Wirt x reader | Its over, isn't it

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You hummed as you skipped in your blue dress (Dorothy from wizard of oz). Wirt and Greg continued walking while you stopped  "guys! Look!" You pointed to a path hidden behind some leaves. "(Y-(Y/N)! That's great!" He rushed back with Greg and began ripping the bushes away. 

You smile and run the hill, latching on to your friends arms. "w-woah! We don't even know what's at the end!" Wirt gulped. "Oh Come on! Its Halloween, have some fun!" You sang.

"yeah Wirt, have some fun!" His small brother, Greg stated. You nodded and continued down the hill.

"help! I'm stuck!" A small, graceful voice calls from a bush. "huh? Hey Wirt, what was that?" You begin looking around. "oh, its probably nothing" he crouched down. "Hey looked, 'Pottsfield, 1 mile'! Hey look, a town!"

"okay, lets go this way" Greg and you walk in the other direction. 

You cup your hands over your mouth "Hello? Anyone here?"

"Hey! Yes you two!" the voice stated again. "Uhm..." 

You peak into the bush. "Oh, hello!" it was a bluebird. "Yes, hello. I'm stuck! Help me out and I'll owe you a favour"

"I get a wish?" "no Greg, a wish and a favour are different things.." you snort. "mhm.. now help me out!" 

"Okay" Greg pulls her.. well, it out. "Hey, are you a female?" you tilt your head, curiously. She nods.

"So, you three are lost kids with no apparent reason in life, right?" 

You shrug. "How about I bring you to Adelaide of the pasture? Good woman of the forest" she flapped her wings "she could help you get home!"

"no, no no no no nononono, magic talking birds, leading us to magical fairy people in the mysterious- ...I'm going to Pottsfield" 

You ran up to him "I'm coming too!"

You arrive at a pumpkin patch.

"So, lets small talk! My names Greg, what's yours?"


Greg motioned to you and Wirt "My brothers name is Wirt" "-who cares-" "and my friends name is (Y/N)!" "-didn't ask-" "and my frogs name is Wirt Jr. But that may change in time"

"Okay, yeah that's cool. So how about you and I ditch your brother and friend" "Maybe later" Greg shrugged.

"AHHH!" you scream, falling into a medium sized pumpkin. "ewww, gross. Pumpkin juice.."

"a-ah! (Y/N)!" Wirt ran over to you and offered his hand, which you gladly accepted.

"thanks" you pat your dress down.

"Hey, look! People!" Greg points down a hill.

"Alright, lets re-join society" Wirt put his hands on his hips and began walking down the path, his 3 adventurers with him.

Wirt look around the ghost town "hello? Hellloooooooo?" You sang. "Heyy, not to be obnoxious but a simple ghost town doesn't seem like a good place to look for people.."

Wirt cleared his throat and walked up to a door, and knocked on it "excuse me?" he opened the door. "Anyone here?"

An old, gross looking hen...rooster chicken thing... lifted its head up. Its skin hanging off the edges. "U-uhm.... Sorry..."

He closed the door and continued walking. "Did you find anything?" Beatrice sassed. "No... Where's Greg and (N/N)?"

You and Greg stick your heads out of a hay bail "Look!" You point at a nearby barn with music coming from inside.

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