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~Yoongi's P.o.V~

We are now at the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out of the E/R. As he walk out I immediately run to him." How's my wife?" I ask him." She's ok now, she just need to rest and eat healthy foods." I bow at him and i saw them bring her to the other room." Don't be noisy." The nurse said and we go inside." I didn't do anything. I didn't even try to protect her. What kind of husband I am?" i mumble and the others comfort me." Don't blame yourself. I don't you to get hurt, you're a good husband, Yoongi." She said and  look at me emotionless." But-" " No buts. Get me some clothes, Onegaishimasu (お願いします- Please.)" I look at her shocked." No time for explanations and get me some clothes." she said in a demanding tone." Your shirt is full of blood and your pants is in the bag." I said as I get the bag." You want me to walk around the Seoul without a shirt?" I sighed and take off my hoodie and gave it to her." I don't want you to catch a cold because of me." Rei push my hoodie back at me and she point under the bed. We look at her confused." Look under the bed." Jungkook look under the bed and grab a pink hoodie. " This is my Hospital Room for years." She said and then two nurses came to the room and pull the wires off of her body. Then one of them go to my side and said." Can i get your number, handsome?" She said in a flirty tone." Bitch, back off. He's my husband." Rei said while her back at us." I'm not doing anything, ma'am." The nurse said innocently." I hear you ask him 'Can i get your number, handsome?' and don't try to get your dirty hands on him." The nurse immediately stop her movements before she can touch me. Then she do something unacceptable for Rei, she kiss my cheek. I stood their frozen. " Such a pain in the ass. You, come with me." The nurse follow her outside and after minutes they come back with the nurse blushing." What did you do to her?" Namjoon ask." Nothing. Just talk." She smirk at us and we leave the hospital." Jinjja? Did you really 'just talk' to her?" I ask while she's driving. She sighed and stop the car.

~Rei's P.o.V~

I stop the car and turn to him." I talk to her. I embarrass her to the hallway. Nothing more. Nothing less." I said and drove off." Ok, Fine." He said and turn away from me. I adjust his seat so he can lay down and rest. I sigh and go to Mc Donalds and ordered to drive thru." Go eat. I don't take 'NO' as an answer." I said and gave him the paper bag. He get it from me and eat silently. We arrive at the house." Get out." I said and he get out of the car. I drove to somewhere and get inside. The loud music welcomed me and I go to the bar. I ordered a drink and get drunk all night. I get my phone and text a random number.


ME: HeLLooooo~

YOONGi: Are you drunk?

ME: Noooo~ but can you gu heRE at tHe 'XXX-XXXX-XXX' bar?

YOONGi: On my way.

ME: thwank wooooouuuuuu~

~end text~

I chuckle and order another drink." Hey, miss. You're pretty drunk." The bartender said as he gave me my drink." I'm ok, my husband is coming." I said." Rei! What the hell are you doing here?! Let's go." I just let him drag me after he pay the bartender." I was just enjoying~! Because my other rival gangs are not attacking~~" I said as he continue dragging me to my car. I get inside and so did Yoongi." You know this guy?" I open my car compartment and show him a photo and me being drunk...." I kinda *hic* have a crush *hic*on him. You *hic*know him?" I ask between hiccups." Yeah. You know him,too." I chuckle and look outside." I want a dog." I mumble and my lids drop.

~Next day~

I woke up with a massive head ache and dry throat." You're awake! good.Drink this and go downstairs after you change. Yoongi and the boys are in he kitchen." Jin oppa said and I do what he says." As for yesterday, I'm very very sorry. So?  Let's eat now?" W all eat and they talk about random stuffs." Y'all stay here. I'm going out." I said and go to a Pet store/shop." Hello, miss. How can help you?" The lady in the counter ask." Umm....I'm looking for a dog. Can you show me?" She lead the way and I saw a lot of cute dogs. But 2 dogs caught my eyes." Miss?Can I have hat 2 dogs over their?" I point to the dog's cage. I carry the both of them and I buy the hings they needed." Thank you, ma'am. Please come again." I bow and go to my car. I drove back o our house and I hear loud music." What on earth?" I mumble and get the 2 little fellas. I let them run around the garden as I walk inside the house. I saw the 7 boys having fun. They didn't notice or hear me,I walk to the speaker and took off the plug." YAH! Who turn Noona~ You're back." Jimin said and scratch his nape." Clean this right now." I said to them." Another rule. No partying, inside my house." I said in dead tone." Yoongi, come with me." I said. We go to our room." Get dress. We are going out. Wear a suit" I said.

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