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~Yoongi's p.o.v~

It's been days, 3 days exactly. I miss her. Her laughs, sarcasm, everything about her. I can't sleep or eat, all I think is about her. I can't focus on other things, i just can't.

~Time skip~

It's already midnight and some miracle happened. My beautiful wife is waking up. I immediately call the boys and tell them that Rei is awake. They gathered around her asking her who did it. She just look at us like we are insane." Who are you?...." She says. We all look at her shock." Don't play Rei-ah." Seungcheol said." I ask you a question answer it..." She said glaring at us." We are your family." I said." I don't remember. Who the fuck are you?" She pointed at me." I'm your husband." I said, then the doctor came in." Oh! Miss Lee, you are awake. Mister Min. I'm here to say that she did lost some of her memories and I'm very sorry. We examine her test results and the good news is, she will remember in a very long time. That's all." He bowed and get out." Ok? You need to explain every single detail about me, you and that creepy boys there.." I nod and start the 'story'. 

~15 years ago~
(one long ass flashback)

I was walking around the school and i heard someone singing so beautifully. I followed the voice and i saw a beautiful girl in her grade 3 and I was grade 4, when she stops singing she turned around and saw me. I smiled at her and she smiled back she ask for my name and I say." My name is Suga." Then she tell me her name." My name is Areum." From then on we are friends and inseparable we always do things together but one day you told me that you are moving out but we can still be friends that time I don't want you to leave and just stay. Years later I go to Seoul enrolled to high school and I was 11 that time and then I saw you walking past me, I just smile because i know you don't remember me. I go inside the school and do what i needed to do. And when I was in senior high that's 4th year and you are 4th year too. You bump into me and  i ask you." Do you know me? I'm the king-" You cut me off and you say."I don't care what you are in this school. Yes,I know you. Min Yoongi." You say. You tried you walk away. I yanked your arm back and i know that's not good." You need to apologized to me" I say and i lean our faces 'til it was just centimeters away." Get of off me, before i do something above your standards,Mr." You say and pulled your arm as i scoff." A girl like you? Are you kiddin-" You then flip me over and it hurt my back.

~End of Flashback~

"Then here we are. We are married to each other." I said and look at her lovely face." I do remember that you told me that you love me after i.....took your bracelet that i gave to you." She said and i show her the bracelet." This is very crazy if i tell you that, I love you." They look at me shook." Did we hear it right? You, Noona says I love you to Yoongi hyung." Jihoon said." By the way, Dr. Sohn is my uncle and i don't really had that memory lost shit." She said with a cute smile." I love you too." i said and hold her hand." Ok you can discharge today." Dr. Sohn said and let Rei change her clothes." Let's go to our house i'm tired." We walked to our house then Rei saw a ice cream shop we go there as we let the boys go home." Do you mean it?" I suddenly ask her." Of course. How many times do i have to tell you that I LOVE YOU MIN YOONGI !! only you." She suddenly kiss me...


It's been a long time since i publish...

I am really sorry for that.

i'll do my best to update more and make more books.
We have a sem-break and it starts yesterday so by that time i hope i can publish

another chapter.

over all thank you for all the readers.....

words: 742

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