Chapter 49

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- where there was tremendous grief, there is spectacular love.

Two days came and went, it was all about getting to know our children and getting them accustomed to life in New York as the children of two famous Avengers. By now, everyone knew about the children in the Avengers lives. 

As predicted, Tony was holding a party, exclusively for the Avengers. He said it was supposed to be casually relaxed and all for the children to get to know each other. I thought it was a good idea and Natasha did as well. Roman was just excited to see Emma again.

We got dressed in casual clothes like Tony had suggested, then piled into my Lexus. It was the only car that could hold all of us, and even then it had only exactly four seats.

Pulling up to the Tower, Roman said that he remembered this place. "That's good because this is where SHIELD first brought you in America."

Natasha carried Anastasia as we got into the elevator. Roman kept telling us how he was excited to see Emma, and he kept sharing stories of fun times they had together.

The elevator opened and I stepped out first, Roman on my heels. Natasha picked up the rear, following us into the big room. The team was there minus Steve and Bucky, and Sam. But Natasha and I were only five minutes late, so the other three teammates shouldn't be far behind.

Tony greeted us first and I introduced him to Anastasia and Roman. Roman shook his hand and asked to tap the glowing "blue thing." Tony let him and Roman had lots of questions for Tony about it.

"I like him. He's smart." Tony told us.

"Can I see Emma?" Roman asked next.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "You knew her name was Emma?"

Roman nodded. "She told me as I was leaving. She said her name was Emma and not to call her ENG-56 anymore."

Tony nodded and led us towards his children. Emma was a three-year-old girl and so many questions ran through my head. How does Emma sense danger the way she does, while being three years old? I had no idea.

Emma was an adorable child, but with the most peculiar hair color. It was pink and blonde. The pink was very light, but it was still pink. I asked Tony about this and he said a test to make her a fire user went wrong, leaving her with pink hair.

Wanda made her way over to me with a young boy standing close to her. This boy was older than the rest of the children for sure.

"This is Octavian," Wanda introduced me to the young boy. "He's nine years old." Wanda turned to Octavian and introduced me as "Teta Katya." Teta means Aunt in Russian, so I was now Octavian's Aunt Katya.

"Hello, Octavian." I shook the boy's hand. He was a blond boy with baby blue eyes. He was polite and seemed intelligent when he told me that he could orbit the earth in a few hours by flying at five-thousand miles an hour and had highly enhanced senses. "Impressive," I smiled.

Peter showed up next and spoke with the adults before talking with Octavian. It was pretty humorous to see Peter who was hardly a teenage boy, talk with the adopted children of the Avengers.

I met Pietro's child next. The boy was named Andrey and had hair as red as Natasha's, with eyes that seemed to spark like electricity. Pietro explained his eyes did that because Andrey himself can harness electricity. 

While just about to meet Clint's new adopted son, I had to check to see where Roman and Anastasia were. Anastasia was walking around exploring, while Roman was with Emma. I turned my attention back to a boy with messy black hair and dark eyes. His name was Albert and was able to jump several miles and run at sixty-five miles an hour.

The last children I was introduced to were Bruce's, Sam's, and Bucky and Steve's.

Bruce's child was a girl who could detect and deflect radiation and control flames like the boy I had met when I first checked on the children. Despite being able to control flames, Sara's eyes were an ice blue color, enhanced by her blonde hair.

Sam's son was nicknamed Nico, after his full name of Nicholas. Sam chose him because the boy looked like him, minus the strange cool grey eyes. What impressed me about him, was the boy could deflect asteroids and lift cities only using his eyes. It was truly a power.

Steve and Bucky's girl was special as well. Her name was Maverick and she was similar to Octavian but more powerful. Maverick could orbit the earth in around thirty minutes to an hour by flying fifty-thousand miles an hour. She was a mind reader like Wanda, on top of the flying.

There were so many supers here in the tower, so many talented children that will end up changing the world someday, as we once did. So while the children got to know each other, the adults conversed.

"What are your education plans for your kids?" Bucky asked me, keeping an eye on Maverick as she explored just as Anastasia had done earlier. It was nice to see him finally able to handle a child, even if it is just his own.

"Homeschooling, I think. I know SHIELD wants to start an education program for the kids and I think it's not a bad idea. But Natasha and I want to homeschool them so they can get a good education, while we continue our lifestyle. Each season we're spending in a different country, to get them accustomed to traveling and to make sure they see the world." I informed him. "Plus, I have homes everywhere. I don't want them to go unused."

"Where would you go each season?" He raised an eyebrow.

I leaned back against the couch. "Neum, Bosnia in the summer. Little Odessa, New York in the fall. The wilderness of Canada in the winter, and finally Kiev, Ukraine in the spring. We'll have a solid routine going."

"Lot's of traveling," Bucky stated the obvious. "It should be fun, I think."

I nodded. "What are you going to do for Maverick?"

"Well, first we have to teach her to contain her ability to fly in public, so she doesn't give herself away and maybe make a target out of herself. Then we're going to let her go to school and the SHIELD education program you mentioned. Steve and I are probably going to get married sometime soon and stay in New York." He shrugged. "Hopefully we can lead a simple life."

"Nothing is simple when you're an Avenger." I sighed.

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