Tea time.

974 21 5

"Sweetie, are you feeling okay?" I hear my boyfriend Kendall ask me.

I throw off my blankets and turn to him, "Why? Do I look that awful?"

He chuckles, "Kinda. It's winter and you're super warm. You look like you have a fever or something."

Putting his hand on my forehead and bites his lip.

"Probably not a fever, but you're definitely sick." he states.

I groan and pull the blankets over me again, "I hate being sick. I wanted to go ice skating today."

Kendall cups my face, "It's winter vacation babe, we can do that some other time."

I pout, sigh and pull the blanket over my face.

Kendall's chuckling a little and I feel him getting up from the bed.

He's humming a song and I hear him walking out of the room.

"I'm bored." I state to myself as I sigh and look at the ceiling.

I grab a book from my night stand, put my pillow between my back and the wall and lean against it.

It's so hot in this room and I really want to go outside and roll around in the snow.

Probably not a great idea though.

A few minutes later, I see Kendall walking upstairs with a tray.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?' he smiles as he puts the tray on his night stand.

I shrug, "Terrible."

I look at the tray; there two mugs of tea on it and a plate with three cookies.

He sits down on his side of the bed and hands me a cup of tea.

I smile and smell it.

It's this little thing I always do, smelling my tea before drinking it.

"And? Can you guess which one it is?" Kendall chuckles.

He likes to make a game out of it.

Whenever I guess the flavour; I get the extra cookie.

And if I don't guess it; he gets the extra one.

"Hmm, is it... green tea with orange and ginger?" I raise an eyebrow.

Kendall grabs two cookies and hands them over to me, "Damn you're good!"

I know these cookies are his absolute favorite so I break the extra one in half and throw the piece on his lap.

"That's for taking care of me while I'm sick." I say with a little smile.

He smiles. leans over and gives me a gentle kiss, "That's for being the sweetest girlfriend in the world!"

Kendall Schmidt One Shots (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now