Chapter 7

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Levi fell asleep not long after him, but pulled one of the fur blankets over them to keep warmth. Then he fell asleep. *

He rest his head on levi's shoulder staying close to the demon. His breathing still uneven although it was calming down. His wings twitching beneath the furs. *

Levi woke up earlier than Eren the next day, examining a brand new pair of silk black feathered wings attached to his back, much bigger than the ones he had before. *

When eren awoke it was a small groan in protest returning from his dream land. Hit lifted his head and set his chin on levi's chest looking at levi with half open tired eyes his mind barley processing anything. morning.. Tired he mumbled his eyes falling back shut. *

Levi chuckled and wrapped his arms around the boy, then his wings wrapped around him with ease, warmth radiating off of them. Good morning. *

His eyebrows furrowed together at the feeling if the soft unfamiliar feathers on his back his eyes flying open on instinct. WHR widen several factions before looking at levi's face you have wings! he yelled before moving his fingers over the silky feathers they are pretty*

Levi chuckled again. Yes, and that means I can fly out of here, he said then looked out the window to the sky. Tomorrow is judgement day *

He hummed softly I wish we could skip it your a demon point blank. There is no need do discuss it those stupid angels making excuses to take you away*

I kinda want to rub it in though, Levi said chuckling. Plus, Ill get to see my friends one last time, he said thinking of what hell tell them. *

you'll have to leave me to go though! eren whined pressing his face into levi's chest before laying the side of his face a little awkward from his horn. His hand continue drifting over levi's feathers his tail moving beneath the heavy furs upon their sweaty naked bodies. He wanted to stay like this forever having sex and the cuddling that came afterwards. It gave him a fuzzy feeling inside that he hasn't seen forever ago when he was still with the light. *

I might be able to get you through since youre the one that made me fall, Levi said gently running his hands down Erens smooth sides. He didnt want to go without Eren. Eren might be able to see his friends if he goes. God might be pissed though, since he tried to wipe Levis mind of Eren years ago, only for him to find him again and form an unbreakable bond with him now. *

Erens head popped up at the sound you think so!? he asked nervous and happy about the possibility of going back up even if it was for one last chance and not on good terms. really really!? he asked again not believing levi's words. *

Really, you might be able to, Levi said cupping Erens face and smiling at him. And we may be able to cause a bit of mischief while up there, he added with a smirk. That would be a lot of fun. But the only problem is he didnt know what his friends would think of him if he did that. *

Eren bit his lip in thought while also keeping his grin showing to the raven. He had liked the idea and there wasn't anything worse than cousins trouble in a peaceful world wonderland. what all do you have in mind baby~? he asked in a low toned pur his voice suggesting. *

Levi hummed a bit, the sound rumbling in his throat. Maybe a bit of groping while being judged, a nice long tongue kiss at the end, definitely, and you can think of the rest. You are the incubus here, he said and kissed a bit on Erens jawline. *

The brown haired incubus let out a hum tilting his head in his own though. The feeling of levi kissing him a small distraction as many ideas came to mind he would love although to do something ultimately sinful in front of God aside tiny groping and kisses he wanted levi to claim him in front of all of heaven caring less of who would see. I definitely have an idea of what we could do~ *

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