Chapter 8

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Eventually the new day came the ball of fire casting light and heat into the room the fire burned out in the fireplace. The dead snake still lay with the foul smell already beginning to spoil from the stomach contents. Eren woke again first rubbing his eyes stretching and yawning. The stretching causing eren to wince to the pain in his backside he didn't expect the pain to stay. *

Levi woke up not long after Eren, feeling the side of the bed move some. His ey3s fluttered open and he looked up at the incubus he calls lover. Then his face scrunched up at the smell. He sat up drowsily and eyed the nasty snake Eren tried to get him to eat yesterday. He got out of bed and walked to it, grabbing the very end of its tail since that was the decent part, and dragged it to the window, chunking it out. Of course, dragging it left a trail of guts and blood, so hed have to clean that too. *

so how exactly does this judgement work? he muttered still half asleep sending a have though through glare at the organs on the floor. *

Didnt you go through judgement? Levi asked trying to figure out how to clean the mess without touching it. Maybe a long stick *

no I didn't he replied softly rubbing his thighs. I was cast down here instantly*

Levi remembered Erens story and puffed out his cheeks. Right Well, all that really happens is you are brought up to court with most angels there watching, and you are to stand in front of God. There, he will ask you questions about your faith and ask you your sins if committed any while on the test. Obviously I have. Then he will declare if youre a demon, human, or remain an angel. Im obviously a demon. Usually God takes away the wings in court if youve sinned then the changes start, but since youve already taken them from me, Ive already changed, he explained sighing. Everyone is going to be disappointed in me. *

Ere. slid out of bed and walked over to the other naked male. do their opinions really matter or does your happiness. Your down here and free away from every law and rule you have to follow up there. he kissed levi's neck and wrapped his arms to hug the male*

Levi sighed again and leaned against Eren. Yeah, youre right, he said. But theyre my friends, so its going to bother me. What about your friends? He asked looking up at him. *

I don't think they will remember me. They removed your memories so I don't see why they would do it to them as well. eren sighed he had been worried but the thought no longer bothered him having convinced himself they either hated him or forgot. *

Im pretty sure I told you about how they stared at me when talking about you, Levi reminded him. They still remember, he said then smiled at Eren and cupped his cheeks, tilting his head slightly. And I doubt they hate you. Hatred is forbidden in Heaven. *

He sighed looking down we are going there for you not me I'm only there because of my part. he let a sound of silence take place. how are we getting there?*

I think God summons us there, Levi said then looked down. Think were decent enough? he joked with a chuckle. *

He lowered his tan lids half way a smirk playing onto his lips stretching them. I don't see why we wear anything when it's going to be removed soon after~ he purred looking back up to levi. His tail wrapping around levi*

Levi rolled his eyes playfully. I would like to be decent when talking to my friends at least. And Im pretty sure I said you cant show up naked, he reminded him with a smirk. *

Eren let out a quick sharp huff looking at levi glaring softly grumbling a response. fine I'll put clothes on he stalked off away from levi to put on the black clothing due to it being the most revealing*

Levi chuckled at his choice. Well, how would you like to take me to go get new clothes? My shirt I came in doesnt quite work for my wings, so Id like to try something new.*

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