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"With all due respect madam, why would you even sign a form without knowing its true purpose?" Mr. Cooley, a fifty-seven-year-old-bearded-man looked at my direction while his left arm is driving the wheel, not even giving a glimpse on his path. Well, not to mention that he's driving in mid-air. Finally processing his questions made me reminisce. Why did I submit that form?

I continued walking with the flashing cameras and paparazzi behind me. They kept on asking and asking and asking regarding my latest case. 

"Ms. Sagefield! Ms. Sagefield! May we have five minutes of your time?"

"Ms. Sagefield! How would you respond to the other 'competitive' detectives, knowing the fact that you are now ranking as one of the professionals out there?"

"Ms. Leeyerine Sagefield! Have you found any clues about  Neverland?"


I hate to be a snob but talking to medias is just a big no-no for a detective. Why would I tell the world my clues about my one of the biggest case?  

 Rumos were spread throughout  the continent about the true existence of Neverland. Of course most of them would believe it's just simply a rumor itself by a bored-local-troll.


Day by day, more evidences were revealed that those fairytale stories does exist. From the tini-tiny atoms to the living creatures  that we can't see here on Earth, to the island itself. 

I sat comfortably on my swivel chair and sighed. Where did we get those evidences? Payn Lee, female, fourteen years old, born on 8th of December, and lives in California. That's all the information I've got from her profile,  the so-called "Girl who returned from Neverland".

She was found in one of the riverbanks in California, clothes made out of leaves; and the dusts everyone's familiar of: Pixie dust, are all over her body. She said she came all the way from Neverland to deliver a message from the so-called authorities before exterminating her human flesh by the pixies in  three weeks.

Scientists experimented on the dusts and confirmed that it wasn't just an ordinary dirt or glitter; some even say that it is far beyond the human knowledge in understanding its nature.

This became the trigger for every detectives like me to find out more about the so-called Neverland.

It's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun's being blocked by the dark clouds. This is the kind of weather a girl like me wants. I  am now  headed to the library named 'Bibliothique'.

Mr. Darling, a man in his late seventies, invited me to his library because of the fresh books delivered a few days ago regarding  the Neverland case and Payn Lee.

This is where I found the website which I accidentally clicked from a pop-up advertisement. It's a registration contract for citizenship as a certified Neverland inhabitant. Well of course I'd   thought of it as a joke.

And as embarrassed as I might be, I went with the flow with this little form of "joke". A lot of rules and conditions were mentioned  before submitting it. 

Filling up the form consumed ten hours of my time, or at least it says on my wrist watch. It felt like a few minutes but when I checked the library it was already closed and Mr. Darling is gone.

"Ms. Sagefield?" I was brought to reality after hearing Mr. Cooley's voice. "Oh I'm so sorry, sir. What was your question again?" This is almost the same motion sickness I felt from my flight to Tokyo. He chuckles "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, ma'am." 

My eyes must be hallucinating as the planets I saw back in grade school printed on a piece of paper are now before my eyes. This obviously means one thing and shit this is terrible! These rags are going to kill me. How in the world will  I breath now?! I knew it! These creatures' objective is to exterminate the human ra--

"Don't worry ma'am, the Neverland agencies have invented a spell that creates a specific gas called--"

"Oxygen. Yes, of course. It's almost impossible for Neverland to at least know an average knowledge of Science. This is, in fact, a work of magic. But wait--did you just mention Neverland agencies?"

This is how anxiety gets me, I become talkative all of a sudden and then interrupt anyone who tries to say something to me. "Pardon me, my good sir. This is just how I get when I'm nervous." He just smiled in response and nodded.

A few moments of silence filled the bus until Mr. Cooley asked me "Has anyone told you that you have a very sharp yet dull eyes?" 

I shook my head, giving half of my attention on my phone "No, sir. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, my first impression of you is a very dull and lifeless girl. Most humans that switch to Neverland citizens are like you because of depression. But their mood would eventually change after leaving the planet  Earth. How come you're still the same?" Even if he asks as if it was just a simple question I can still see it in his gestures that curiosity fills his question. 

"That's because I don't feel depression. This is just how I am, thank you very much."  

Mr. Cooley finally laughed after all those chuckles. "Please do not take it the wrong way madam, to tell you the truth, your eyes resemble a very well-known person in Neverland."

Is that so? Before I even open my mouth he continues his statement "But it's best to not tell who that person was.

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