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I'll be heading to my assigned district; Optimum Woods.

It looks like they only use vehicles for dimension transportation. Once you're on the island, you will only use either your feet, wings, or a dust. I never knew that I don't have to pay for my tuition fee nor any of my basic needs such as shelter.

This is the kind of life anyone would want. The satisfaction is just too overwhelming that it made me sigh. Just imagine, no medias, no annoying paparazzi, a peaceful and exciting life. I can solve as many mysteries as I want, since investigation is my passion. 

Not to mention the extraordinary atmosphere. Plants that doesn't exist on the planet Earth, mythical creatures such as fairies, elves, mermaids, gnomes, ogres, half wild animals, etc.

Though I'm not the type of person who smiles a lot, I can't  help but to feel the youth of being eighteen again and the optimistic atmosphere of every citizens that would greet me.

They're actually giving away free maps of the new-designed island. Once I find my place, I'll try to compare the old and new Neverland. And then, I will try to find anything regarding the suspicious reactions of Mr. Cooley and Mrs. Pines earlier.

Focusing on my map, I didn't notice that I bumped into someone that made me drop his books, same with my stuff. I immediately picked up the items that dropped, including his. But the person didn't even move a muscle.

I apologized then looked at him. He has a very fair skin, nice pink lips, his hair looks smooth and soft, and I think his features are more of a feminine than manly. Is he a human being or another creature? 


Well, so much for being polite. He snatches his books and looks at me from head to foot, brow furrowed. "Are you new here?" He scorned which made my brows furrow. "Yes, I am. Why?" He just hissed, "Watch where you're going." And was about to leave.

"Tch. Same goes for you." My dull eyes met his. He looked pissed which is obviously because of what I've said. You're not the only person walking here, young man! 

I just glared and start to pick up my luggage then I heard girl scream; well, more like a squeal, then came another and another and another. They just started squealing on the top of their lungs like hungry wolves.

"Hi Skyler~!"

"Hey Skyler~!"

"OMG he's here!"

"He never fails to be handsome, don't you think?"

"Oh yes!"

I knew it. Fangirls. But who are they referring to? These random girls are just die-hard fans as far as I can see. 

Hn, ignore. 

I still need to find the district. More importantly, Peter Pan's out of sight. Though it is still a claim that Peter Pan is just a myth along with the island itself, but, here I am. I can't help but chuckle with the thought in my mind.

I better start the investigation as soon as possible. A few minutes later, I finally found the Optimum Woods. There's a huge marble that has "OPTIMUM DISTRICT" carved in it. The plot seems huge and wide but there's a tini tiny problem about it.

There's a deep pit before the district itself. How the hell will I be able to get to the other side now?

"You have to fly, ma'am." 

The voice made me flinch, making me search every direction but not even a silhouette was found. I look up and saw a guardian fairy right above the entrance.

"Oh, I see. But I can't fly, sir." He chuckled after my statement. "Did you forget? You need pixie--oh wait, are you new here?" That's right! Seriously Sagefield?! Of all things about Neverland why would you forget pixie dust?!

"Thank you for reminding me, good sir." I bowed after giving my gratitude. "Hm? So you're from Neverland?" He raised a brow and crossed his arms. "No, no! I'm from a different world. I'm new here." I said, shaking my head but all he gave me is a confused look.

Sometimes Neverland inhabitants are hard to understand. "Really? Oh well, I'm here to give you pixie dusts. Don't forget; Faith, trust, pixie dust!, alright?" He gave me a thumbs up as I nodded in response.

He sprinkles some pixie dusts on me which made me float above the ground. That feeling called "butterflies in stomach" is starting to prevail me. The guardian fairy gave me a pouch of pixie dust before bidding goodbyes. 

Some flying baggage porters helped me with my luggage. I gave them my address and let them go first. This might be my first time flying and excitement is already filling up my system. My speed's not even close to a turtle, this simply means I suck at flying.

Let me give you an advice when it comes to flying across a deep pit; first is to never cross a deep pit. And second, never look down. It will just crush your faith and trust. Take me for instance, I am now slowly falling because I violated my advice.

Oh man, I know panicking will just make it worse. But just by simply thinking that I won't be able to investigate if this will be my end just crushes my spirit even more!

Someone suddenly held my hand and quickly pulled me. "You must be new here." Our eyes met and judging the person's voice, it is definitely a he. He looks more like an elf or a  fairy than a human being to me.

His statement finally processed in my mind so I nodded in response. "Where's your address?" I waved my other hand, "No need. You can drop me here, I can walk." I said but he chuckled as a response. "You can't walk here. It's dangerous." The boy snickered as he  tries to face me.

Hmm? Dangerous? What kind of 'Danger' is he referring to? This is Neverland lad, there are a lot of dangers I can imagine.

"Everything is safe in Neverland" -- Mr. Cooley

Now don't tell me that all the Neverland citizens have their different perspective regarding Neverland? Few minutes have passed after telling him my address and we've finally found my place. He dropped me but when I was about to thank him, he just flew off. 

That's obviously not my fault.

Sighing my tiredness out, I turned to look at my new home. It actually resembles the tree dome that Disney designed. Standing firmly while waiting for my arrival, the baggage porters finally saw me and gave me the card to the dorm. I said thank you before bidding  farewell.

 I was about to enter my new place but to my surprise the tree dome just disappeared. To tell you frankly, it only floated; about a few meters above the ground. That explains why you shouldn't just walk to your certain address. I have a theory that every district has a certain spell such as floating shelters that are cast on them.

For the second time, pixie dust is just my only key to get to my place and luckily, I have managed to improve my flying skills. Sliding my card to the lock, the wooden door creaks open like an automatic gadget.

The atmosphere went steady, like the feeling of waiting for something good to happen. My footsteps and pounding heart is the only thing I can hear and feel right now. This is just how I feel when I get nervous and excited at the same time.

Do you know that momentum when opening a treasure chest and some kind of light just starts to radiant while some choir of angels starts to sing in chorus? My jaw actually dropped after seeing the indoor part of this tree dome.

It actually resembles a large modern cabin. Waxed floor, a huge terrace, huge living room, two bedrooms, a fireplace, and organized utensils. This feels like a vacation for me after all those years of working by myself! Oh thank you Mr. Darling and your library equipment! I finally found Neverland.

Some personal doohickeys were placed on the sofa and inside the first room. That's odd, Mrs. Pines haven't told me that I'll be having a tree-mate or whatever they call it in Neverland.

 I'll just greet whoever that tree-mate later. I'll just spend some time resting for now. 

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