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Marcus had not seen Bella in four days. Three was the norm for her visits with the doctors, so the werewolf was anxious. He had paced the length of their room for hours, arms folding and unfolding over his chest. His stomach churned with worry.

Hearing footsteps, Marcus stopped and bent his head and stared at the ground, listening. It was only one pair and he could hear the limp in their walk instead of Bella's recent wobble. Not Bella, but if he had to guess, he would say Mrs. Day. He frowned and looked towards the door just as it opened, revealing the small old woman. Why would Mrs. Day be here but not Bella? His lungs squeezed painfully and suddenly he felt as if he couldn't breathe the air he didn't even need.

"Nothing's the matter, Marcus," the woman quickly assured, although she did look frazzled. "Bella sent me to tell you she's okay, child wouldn't even listen to anyone until someone agreed. She's in labor, been since yesterday." Marcus's frown deepened. It was a month too early. "It being a month early and all has the doctors up in arms and stressed out. But there is no reason for you to worry."

Marcus felt extremely helpless in that moment.

"What can I do? Can I go see her?"

The old woman gave him a long look one he couldn't quiet decipher before smiling at him. "Just be ready for when she comes back." Her smile twitched all over her face, as if she was fighting to keep it. "I have no idea what sort of state she'll be in when she does, so I need you to be as strong as you usually are." With those words, Mrs. Day backed out of the room, door closing behind her.

Marcus wanted to punch something in that moment. Not knowing what to do with himself, the werewolf began pacing again, growing more and more frustrated with himself as he went.

"Damn it," he cursed, hands going to his hair, fingers running through the dark strands. He growled and punched the wall next to the door. The metal dented inwards, right next to the card-lock. The little light above it blinked green briefly before returning to red. He stared at it for a moment, fighting the urge to turn and look at the camera behind him. He could see the multicolored wires sticking out of the hole he had created. An idea began to form inside of his head.

He turned around stiffly, as if nothing was wrong and walked back towards the bed and sat on it, facing the door. He propped his arms up on his knees and entwined his fingers, pressing his lips gently against his hands, he planned.


It was the next day when he heard the sound of footsteps moving down the hall outside their room, accompanied by gentle squeaking. He stood up from the bed where he had been sitting since the day before, unmoved and lost in thought. He watched the door with a stiff frame. A second later it opened and Bella was pushed in by Mrs. Day in a wheelchair. He was before them in seconds. His heart sank when Bella looked up at him, green eyes filled with tears. Frozen, all he could do was flicker his gaze to Mrs. Day for answers.

He was surprised when Bella suddenly stood and threw herself at him, sobbing into his chest. "They wouldn't allow me to hold him and then they left with him." He managed to understand a few of her words.

Mrs. Day sighed, which brought his eyes to the older witch as he wrapped his arms around Bella and held her up as her legs buckled. "They're going to bring him here. I tried to tell her that but she's beyond comprehension I suppose. They want her to breast feed him, for whatever reason. You need to calm her down, Marcus. She was making the lights flicker on and off earlier and actually managed to toss one of the guards into a wall."

Marcus was more impressed than worried, but he nodded and placed his arms underneath Bella and scooped her up before carrying her to their bed. He quietly shushed the disconsolate girl and pulled their blankets over her, he kissed her sweaty hair. When he turned back to face Mrs. Day he found the old woman staring at the hole in the wall next to the door.

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