Sun and the Air

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The worst times, are when it is too quiet inside the four steal walls that had become his home, his world really. When the soft snores and silent breaths of the one on the other side of the wall were gone. He hated when he can no longer hear her soft mutters and whispered songs. He hated when she was gone. He hated when they come and take her.

He sat with his back against the wall he had deemed 'her wall', and waited for her return. He felt so much more closed in and alone when she was gone. He'd never even met her, not in any place but his dreams. He has no idea how she looked or who she was. He's never even spoken to her, but he knew her voice better than he knew his own. He could hear her but he's sure she could not hear him. He wasn't sure if that was because he's a werewolf and he has advanced hearing, and she was just human or because 'they' wanted to torture him with semi-loneliness, like a stream of sunlight through bars, there but just out of reach. All Marcus was sure of about the girl was, that when she arrived she had been much, much younger. A child. She used to cry every day and all day for her grandmother. She used to beg to be let go when they would come in to take her away. She was always silent when they brought her back.

He had no idea how long he had been here, but he could tell you how long it had been since the girl had been brought in, going by how her voice changed with maturity and how the sound her moving around became heavier as she aged and grew. Ten years, that was how long the girl had been here, that's how long he has had a companion.

He had been in the room for so long he can barely remember a time when he had been free. All he knew was that he had been captured almost eight after he had inherited the Alpha title instead of his brother. It had been such a big deal, with him being younger and born to a lowly omega mother, that even years later he had still been handling the fallout of a spilt, tension filled pack. When he had been captured it was by a group who claimed that he had been sold to them, betrayed by members of his own pack. The first several years he had been tortured, beaten into what they called submission, until he did what they said when they said it, until he was afraid, until he was more like a tamed wolf in an extremely abusive zoo. Marcus didn't give that much thought though. What was the point? He didn't think much about his captors when he didn't need too.

He usually kept himself busy with the books, word searches, and when they decided to feed him, his food. When he wasn't focused on books, word searches, or food, he was focused on the girl on the other side of the wall. Most of his thoughts were of her. Like when she would walk unevenly, as if a part of her was hurting, he would frown deeply and wonder what happened and fight to push down the anger he felt at their captors – being angry wouldn't do either of them any good anyway. Also, like when her stomach would growl so loudly he swore the walls would shake, he thought until he was exhausted on how to ask the armored guard who brought him his bloody meat and tasteless broth to feed her without making them angry. It had worked twice in the ten years she had been here, each time she would get food and he would end up going a couple of weeks without any at all. It was alright, he could take it, he was an werewolf and an Alpha at that.

He wondered who she was and why she was captured mostly. She couldn't have been punished for something, not an innocent child.

Marcus rested his head against the wall behind him and closed his eyes, his index finger playing with a hole in his shredded button up black shirt. He waited for her return.

His wait was shorter than it normally was. He opened his eyes and frowned as he listened to the heavy footsteps of the guards and the lighter ones of the girl. Usually he didn't hear her footsteps, just her breathing when she returned. She was always carried than, and unconscious.

"I really get to eat all of this?" He heard her ask. Her footsteps were quick, excited. The guard didn't answer, they never did. The ones in the white lab coats were the ones who always spoke and demanded to be listened too. The girl had to know the guards wouldn't talk back but she usually always tried anyway.

"What's going to change tomorrow? Dr. Philips said something exciting will begin tomorrow."

Marcu frowned at the news. The guard grunted.

The girl huffed. "You're horrible at conversation, anyone ever tell you that?" Marcus couldn't practically hear her roll her eyes. A small smile tugged at his lips. The girl didn't even get to experience being a real teenager but often acted like one despite it all. He blamed the novels she would sometimes read out loud.

The door to the girl's room banged shut. A minute later the sounds of her eating reached Marcus's hearing. He could even say he smelled the chicken, rice, and beans. He sat back again, eyes closing as he listened to her enjoy her meal, grinning whenever the girl would moan happily.

"One, two, buckle my shoe," she began reciting one of her favorite songs. It was quite a childish song, but it wasn't as if she had time to learn any new, more mature ones. "Three, four, shut the door," she continued.

Marcus's smile was interrupted when the metal door leading into his room swung open. His eyes quickly popped open and he quickly backed away from it, still sitting on the ground, his body rigid. A guard stalked in and dropped five hunks of meat on the floor and tossed a wrapped sandwich at him.

He stared at the food in surprise and shock. He couldn't remember the last time that he had seen so much food. His eyes darted to the guard who merely stared back at him blankly before backing out of the room, shutting it firmly behind him.

The hunger he had learned to control fought against well built walls inside of him at the sight, but he was hesitant to move towards them. It would have been the first time 'they' had played mind games with him. Why would they give him so much food? Especially when he had eaten yesterday.

Eventually, his hunger overruled his fear and he moved forward, snatching up a hunk and tore into it and ate quickly in case 'they' decided to change their minds or realized they had made a mistake.

He ate and listen to the girl on the other side of the wall sing. Content. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did please leave a comment and or vote. I love feedback. Tootles - Icyandotheremotions. Out. 

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