Aleesa The Great is Born

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Marcus wasn't sure if his blood helped her or not, but Bella didn't die or get any worse. But she did give birth three days later.

The name Aleesa was picked out for the child even though the child wasn't with them for a long time. Two weeks, that's how long Bella and Marcus went without even seeing a glimpse of their newborn child. Mrs. Day always came in once a day and asked for Bella to pump milk. They all knew they weren't asking enough for what a 'normal' new born would consume in one day.

With each passing day Marcus grew angrier and angrier, so angry Lincoln had started avoiding him, whispering 'Da-Da mad' to a somber Bella. Though what had been odd about that was that Marcus was sure he was hiding his growing fury well and Bella even looked surprised when the baby pointed Marcus's hidden mood out.

It was two weeks and one day after Bella had given birth that Mrs. Day came to them with the news that they were bringing them the baby. Marcus was pulled to the side by Mrs. Day on the same day.

"Something's brewing," she whispered to him, back facing the one-way mirror. She folded her arms."Guards are quitting along with other staff members. I've heard the head huncho has lost his mind or was murdered or something." She shrugged completely without care.

Marcus frowned and wondered what that would mean for them. "And?" He questioned.

"I've been talking to a few others and," she trailed off much to Marcus's annoyance.

"And?" He repeated impatiently.

"Despite whatever you may believe, Marcus, not all of us like what they are doing to you two, especially Bella." She lightly smiled at him. "I believe we may be able to get all of you out of here. One of the guards, one who's monitoring us right now, so we don't have to worry about that, he's with us. Anyway, he said he can even destroy pretty much all of the files on all of you. I mean, at the very least make it so you both can vanish without worry of being hunted down by some investor or something."

Marcus had refused to get his hopes up again. He leveled the old woman with a hot glare. "What type of game are you playing?"

She shook her head. "I would do no such thing, young man." Marcus snorted at the 'young man' part. "I care too much about Bella, you, and your children to ever say something about possible freedom for you that I didn't mean. No games, Marcus."

He folded his arms over his chest. "Is there any reason you're telling me this and not Bella as well?"

Mrs. Day shrugged sadly. "Nothing's set in stone yet, none of this could even get on the path to working. She's going through a lot right now and I don't want to get her hopes up. Besides, you seemed a handsy guard away from doing something really stupid like murdering one."

Marcus couldn't deny anything she had said. "When?" He asked simply.

"Don't worry about that right now, just focus on Bella and your children, you'll know."


Aleesa was an extremely pale child, nothing like her light brown brother. She came in crying and not much got her too stop. She hated being touched and held by anyone that wasn't Bella. Marcus's heart broke for his obviously miserable child. Bella had been a wreck of nerves and worry.

"Le-Le hungwy," Lincoln stopped drawing unrecognizable squiggle lines on paper spread out across the floor to exclaim a second and a half before his baby sister started to cry. Both parents stared at him while he looked back at them expectantly.

Bella stood from the kitchen table and made her way over to the screaming baby in the bassinet. Bella picked her up and proceeded to head to the kitchen for a bottle. Breast feeding directly from the source had been a 'no' since Aleesa liked to 'bite' with her tiny but sharp canines.

Marcus watched as Bella kissed the child's sparsely covered with straight black hair head and whisper soft soothing words and apologies to her. Marcus's attention was pulled away from Bella and Aleesa when Lincoln approached him and proceeded to climb in his lap, picture in hand. Marcus pushed his worry away and focused on his son.

"This for me?" He questioned. Ever since Mrs. Day had given him her news almost a full month before that, the toddler had stopped avoiding him. Lincoln nodded his head and began to babble away as he pointed at the unidentifiable things on the paper. Whenever his attention would return to the obviously upset and near tears Bella, his son would dig his baby claws into his arms pulling his attention back to him. Marcus was more than a little sure that his son was smarter than the average baby.


Marcus almost took Mrs. Day's head off when she rushed into their room early in the morning of their escape. None of them had been asleep except for Lincoln who had been stretched out between them in the bed. Bella had been up feeding a cranky Aleesa and Marcus had simply been watching Bella struggle with the new born.

When Mrs. Day had entered it had scared the shit out of him and he had literally growled and jumped out of bed and had the poor old woman backed up against the wall in seconds. Both of their children had burst out into shrill cries while Bella had let out an alarmed "Marcus"

Mrs. Day had panted and smiled at him instead of being alarmed like she should have been.

"Is this how you treat the woman whose going to lead you and your family into freedom, Marcus?" She had gotten out despite the hand around her neck.

Bella quickly scrambled over too them, a hiccupping Lincoln toddling after her. "Let her go, Marcus." The young witch snapped at him.

Marcus let the woman go and stared at her intently, "sorry," he offered simply. "Now what were you saying, old woman?"

Mrs. Day rubbed her neck. "You're awfully rude today, no matter. Get the children ready, you're all getting out of here today."

"What's going on, Mrs. Day?" Bella asked in-between shushing the child in her arms. "What are you talking about?"

Mrs. Day didn't answer right away and instead headed towards their one dresser and began pulling out clothes. She had smiled at the toddler who had followed her over as he waved at her cutely. She took it upon herself to start wrangling him into one of the jackets he wore when he accompanied Bella outside. Then she looked up at them, "well, are you two just going to stand there or what? We don't have all day."

Bella left him standing near the door. "We're leaving?" The young witch asked hesitatingly. "How?"

"Don't ask why or how, child, just do it." The old woman handed Bella a yellow and white Sherpa Pram, they had used the one time to take Aleesa outside. Unlike her brother, Bella had told him Aleesa didn't seem very fond of the outdoors. "Get her into that." She also tossed Bella her sneakers. "Hurry," she ordered as she lifted Lincoln onto the bed and began putting his shoes and socks on.

Marcus was left standing next to the door, mild whirling.

Was this really happening?

Could this be some sort of trick?

Could they really get away?

Marcus didn't have shoes. He hadn't been outside in decades.

None of it became real until he was out in the hallway and Mrs. Day was briskly leading them down it. The door at the end of the hall swung open for them and Mrs. Day smiled, mouthing a 'thank you' at a nearby camera. Mrs. Day separated from them once they made it to a floor beneath the one they had apparently lived on, telling them she had things to take care of and telling them to meet her at a diner about a mile away from the building and giving them directions out of the building. She also told Marcus to kill any guard that tried to stop them and gave them her card key.

He had no problem doing just that.

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