Chapter 1: "Scars Hurt More Than Bruises...And I Have More Of Those!"

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*Trigger Warning*

If you are easily triggered by abuse, homophobic comments, strong language or you are dealing with alcoholic parents. Please read at your own risk. I do not mean to offend anyone reading.

Also a side note, I am not a homophobic person myself I love gay people and support anyone from the LGBTQ+ community 150%.

Again please read at your own risk!

I hope you enjoy my book!

Third Person POV:

Yoongi lay in bed as the rain fell down onto his fragile frame, the winter winds engulfing his body in an icy hug. When was his father going to fix the broken window in his room? Never. Yoongi's father didn't care. He didn't care about Yoongi's health, his well-being, he didn't care about anything that wasn't alcohol or drugs. This had been the case ever since Yoongi first learned how to walk and it definitely  wasn't going to stop now. No. Not after Yoongi's mother had walked out on the two of them. Yoongi quickly jumped out of the bed at the sound of heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs.

"Where is the l-little shit!" He heard his father slur obviously drunk.

"I'm here dad!" Yoongi said opening the door to his room. Why did he open the door you ask? Because he already knew what was coming and he'd rather get it out of the way than delay the process.

"Come here bitch!" His father spoke through gritted teeth as Yoongi walked up to his father stopping before him, feeling a huge fist come into contact with his pale skin. This happened several times as Yoongi was slipping in and out of consciousness. He managed to keep his balance but couldn't help the tears that trickled down his now bloody face.

"Get out of my face NOW!" His father spoke raising his voice before breaking out into laughter seeing Yoongi's bruised and bloodied face. He stumbled back downstairs his grip on the vodka bottle tightening at the chance he may drop it. That was it. He cared more about his vodka than he did about his son, his only son. Yoongi ran to his room finding some clothes to slip on before walking over to the top drawer of his damaged dresser before rummaging through it to find his concealer that he used on a daily basis. Upon finding it he soon realised that he had ran out. That meant he had to go to school without covering up. Oh well this will give the school something to laugh at! He thought to himself. He grabbed his backpack and a hat to at least try to hide his face and sprinted down the stairs and straight out of the front door ignoring his father yelling.

*Time Skip ~ At School*

Upon arriving at school or as Yoongi liked to call it hell he saw the school's bully, Jackson Wang. Yoongi grabbed the front of his hat and tried to speed walk past him only to be grabbed by the shoulder and threw to the ground. 

(A/N: He never ever physically hit or punched Yoongi he just liked pushing him, he also called him names and stole his lunch money on a daily basis)

"Going somewhere bitch" Jackson said spitting at the ground near Yoongi's face as he quickly bent down and snatched the hat off Yoongi's head. Yoongi's instant reaction was to cover his face with his hands. Nobody knew about his abusive father. Not one person and Jackson was about to expose that.

"Look at me asshole!" Jackson said crouching down and shaking Yoongi's hands trying to pull them away from his face by this point Yoongi was in tears and Jackson knew something was wrong. Yoongi moved his hands from his face staring at Jackson. With this action Jackson's face softened and showed signs of concern.

"HAPPY NOW!" Yoongi yelled snatching the hat from Jackson and running out of the school gates but not before hearing Jackson yell "Yoongi" after him. That was something Yoongi never thought he would hear. Jackson Wang calling him by his name. He usually got names such as; bitch, faggot, dickhead, asshole but never Yoongi. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that Jackson had followed him out of the school.

"Please Don't Call Me Young!" - A BTSxYoongi StoryWhere stories live. Discover now