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Dear Oli,

I know you may hate it with a burning passion, but you just gotta try. And please try to socialize with others, you need some friends to rely on in there. And I'm not surprised about the food. Remember that time I tried to bake a cake? I nearly burned down the whole house! And me and you made a massive mess with the flour that it ended up in our hair! I miss those times, where you and me would have fun and end up crying of laughter.  And Oliver, please try to take the meds. It takes a while for them to start to work, just wait and you'll see.

And that nurse is a bitch, excuse the language. She had no right to talk about you that way. Ignore her, and don't listen to the words she says. And I know how much you hated school. I know how you were bullied. I remember hearing you cry at night from all the memories. It broke my heart. You don't deserve any of this, No one does.

And please don't say that, Oliver. Trust me, everything does get better. You'll be out of there sooner then you know. 

And don't apologize, ever.




So there is probably gonna be another 10 chapters and then THE END 

I really enjoy writing this book.

bye x 

Medicine // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now