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Dear Oli.

Your last letter made me cry and laugh, is that normal? And yes, I did set the oven on fire, thank you for reminding me. I remember the neighbour running into the house with a bucked of water. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack. That was also the day I find out how loud our smoke detector was. It probably woke up the dead. I still couldn't believe how the neighbour just came barging into our house with a bucket of water screaming his lungs off. Me and you just laughed until our stomachs hurt. It didn't phase us that much that the oven was on fire. 

Medicine, you need to take your medicine.

It's good that guard stood up for you. Remember our vacation to Australia? It was so fun. We went to bondi and you got hammered by the waves, it was quite funny to watch. And the way you were flailing in the water, it looked like you couldn't swim. But hey you looked cute. And it was fun playing life guard and saving your sexy ass from the water. And yes I just said your ass is sexy. I mean, it really is to be honest. And we also went to Sydney. And remember our trip to Luna Park? You were scared shit-less. I practically begged you to get on the rides. You screamed so loud that I thought my eardrums were gonna burst.

I could keep rambling on and on but I don't have the time, sadly.




ps, Once you get out, you should start a band. You were always good at screaming, and I know how your dream was to become a singer and all. 



Luna Park is a amusement park in Australia. It's really cool. 

Medicine // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now