a lover and a fighter (nsfw)

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warnings: cursing, fighting, sexual content (daddy kink, choking, spanking)

"Come on, Bill!" you screamed, cheering on your boyfriend. He was getting his ass kicked, the other guy weighing so much more than him. Bill was a tall guy, but this guy was tall too and probably 250 lbs.

You could see the sweat beading on his forehead and how labored his breaths were becoming as he fought, but you continued to cheer him on in hopes of him making a comeback.

Suddenly, all too soon, the referee was calling time and the match was over. Bill had lost, and he looked pissed about it.

He shook his opponent's hand, a cocky look written all over the guy's face, and walked over to you. He sat down next to you and you began kneading his sore shoulder muscles.

"I'm sorry baby," you whispered, attempting to soothe his just as sore ego. Bill wasn't a sore loser on the outside, but on the inside you knew just how angry at himself he was for losing.

Bill spat on the ground. "He's an asshole. Every time I fight him he-" Bill began, but was cut off by his opponent walking over to you two.

"Aw, is someone upset after getting his ass handed to him?" he said, faking sympathy. "I'll fight your little girlfriend next time, and maybe she'll be harder to beat than you."

Bill's jaw moved, and you could feel the anger radiating off him.

"Don't listen to him baby, let's just go home," you said, your tone of voice warning him to leave before he gets too angry. Bill wasn't the type to step down though, especially if you were involved.

"Don't fucking talk about my girlfriend." Bill growled, his lips pursed.

"How come? You scared she'll realize you're a little pussy when you try to defend her? Hey, sweet cheeks, if you want a real man you can call me anytime." he winked, and Bill completed snapped.

He stood up and walked over to his opponent so quick it made you dizzy, and grabbed him by the neck. He began choking him, but the guy was strong enough to take Bill's hands away and push him to the ground.

"Bill!" you screamed, almost in tears. You looked around for help but no one was paying attention yet.

"Come on Billy, show me what you got. Maybe this time you'll last longer than you do in bed," he spat, and Bill's stamina was renewed along with his rage. He pushed the guy over and got on top of him, repeatedly punching his face until he surely broke his nose. He kept going and eventually you had to pull him off of him, afraid of him killing the guy.

"Bill, let's go home." you said, this time not as a suggestion. Bill spat on the guy and walked away, his pride restored. Once you two were far enough away from the scene, you stopped him and made him face you. "What the hell was that?" you asked, crossing your arms in anger.

"I won't let some asshole talk to you like that, Y/N." he explained nonchalantly, wiping some blood from his mouth.

"Bill, we should've just left. I hate seeing you get hurt," you said, eyes becoming softer. You placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it, his hand coming up to rest on yours.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." you gave him a kiss as to say you accepted his apology, and took his hand in yours and continued walking to your small shared home.

Once you got home, you sat him down in his usual spot and began your nightly routine of cleaning him up. You wiped the blood from his mouth and wrapped some bandages around his biceps. While you were cleaning him up, he wrapped his arm around your waist, suddenly becoming very horny. He pulled you onto his lap, and you smiled at him smugly.

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