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warnings: fluff

You and your boyfriend Bill were walking down the street, hand in hand, enjoying your Saturday together. It wasn't often that Bill had the day off work, so you were relishing in being with him. Suddenly, you heard someone call your name.

"Y/N? Oh my god!" they called, prompting you and Bill to turn around. Bill thought it was a fan who had recognized you and him, but by the look on your face he knew it was someone else.

"Drew? Hi!" you said, letting Bill's hand go and running over to him to give him a hug. Bill was confused, you had never mentioned anyone named Drew before.

"Uh..." Bill began, and you turned around and realized he must have felt incredibly weird that a seemingly complete stranger just called your name.

"Bill, this is Drew. Drew, this is my boyfriend, Bill." you introduced them, and they gave each other tight smiles. Drew's friendly demeanor slightly diminished when he looked at Bill.

"I'm her ex-boyfriend," he said, and Bill's heart immediately sank to his stomach. Why were you and him being so friendly if he was your ex?

"We dated like 5 years ago," you added quickly, so Bill wouldn't get worried. It was too late for that, though.

"Why did you guys break up?" Bill asked, slightly hoping it would make the encounter slightly more bitter. He knew it was selfish, but he didn't like the looks of that guy.

"We ended on great terms. She and I were just going in different directions, and I completely admire her decision to choose her career over her boyfriend." Drew explained, and Bill silently kicked himself. Instead of making it awkward, he gave him the opportunity to compliment you. "I'm surprised she ended up dating again, considering how focused she's always been on her career." He gave Bill a slightly dirty look, but quickly masked it with a smile. You didn't catch it, but Bill certainly did.

"I actually met Bill onset of one of my movies, and I knew he was the one." you gave Bill a side-hug, and Bill took the opportunity to protectively wrap his arm around your waist and bring you in closer. He wanted to make sure Drew knew that you were his, and nothing he did was going to change that.

"Oh." Drew said, eyes glancing down to where you two were practically connected at the hip. "Well, I should probably get going, nice seeing you, Y/N." he said, and left without saying a word to Bill. Bill smiled to himself, and you noticed his smugness.

"What's up with the smile?" you asked, and he shook his head.

"You're clueless, aren't you?" you gave him a confused look, and he chuckled. "That guy clearly still has feelings for you after all this time, that's why he left after you said I was the one." he said, but then stopped as the realization hit him. "You think I'm the one?" he asked quietly, and you smiled up at him.

"Of course, Billy," you used his shoulders to help you get on your top toes and kissed him sweetly, and he smiled through the kiss. Once you broke the kiss, and grabbed his hand. "You have no reason to be jealous, that guy's a tool anyway."

Bill laughed, and you two continued your walk, enjoying the view of sunny LA.


this one was kinda short and boring but i just felt like writing so i figured i'd throw a short one in! but if anyone has any suggestions i'd love to take them (stealing your idea cherry ;)) thanks for reading !!


sorry about the picture wattpad is being weird and won't let me change it, but it's just a weird crop so it's fine ig

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