Chapter 12: Finally an Introduction

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I groaned as I blinked my sore eyes open. I was in a dark room that was surrounded by warm air and a sweet scent of some type of candle. I whiffed the air, smelling the wonderful smell of food. My mouth watered badly and I lifted my head a little, my vision was blurry as I peered around me. "Where the hell am I?" I mumbled, it hurt a lot to talk. I swerved my head back and forth a little too quickly and my vision faded out, leaving me in the darkness for a minute. I stiffened as a hand laid itself on the side of my face that was closest to the soft surface of a bed I was laying on. "Stop pushing yourself." A deep voice echoed in the darkness. I felt my blood turn to ice. My head was laid down and my vision came back soon after. I peered up to see a man standing at the bedside, thankfully he wasn't facing me though. Instead he was facing a silver cart like tray thing. I collected my breath and refused to breath out. "Breathe, don't need you suffocating." The man said, turning to face me. Seeing his face I easily recognized him. "It's you!" I hissed, shooting up and scooting to the opposite side of the bed, trying to put enough distance between us in case if something happened.

The man rolled his eyes and patted the spot where I had previously been. "Come back over here, I'm trying to help you." He said in a pretty convincing tone. "Pfft yeah right, like I never heard that before." I said sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. The man huffed and smacked his hand onto his forehead and groaned, he was annoyed. Maybe I shouldn't push his buttons too much.... Or none at all. I thought, but that didn't mean I was going to do anything for him or even think about getting in arms reach of him. The man groaned and rubbed his temples before stretching over the bed and snatching me by my arm and dragging me back. I yelped as he touched my sore wrist. The man frowned, and removed his hand from my arm and kept it firmly placed around my waist to hold me in place while he rolled up my shirt sleeve up and stuck a syringe in my arm. I gritted my teeth and once the man pulled the needle out, I broke away from him hissing. "What did you just do to me!?" I glared at him as he rolled his eyes and grabbed my head, carefully tilted it upwards. "Hmm, pale and dilated pupils. Do you feel nauseated when you look up?" He asked. " What did you do to me?" I asked again, getting no answer. "Answer my questions first then I'll answer yours." He said before repeating his question. "Do you feel nauseated when you look up?"

"What makes you think your questions are more important than mine?" I hissed and the man shot me a glare. I casted my gaze away from him and quickly answered his question. "No... I feel fine." "Are you lying to me?" "No." "Look at me in the eyes and tell me." "I feel fine." I said looking him in the eyes before he seemed happy with my answer and let go of my head. "Are you hungry?" He asked pulling away from me. "No." I said quietly looking away and staring at anything in the dark room besides him. "Are you lying to me?" He asked again and I repeated. "No." "Look at me kid. Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not hungry." He said. Why does he keep doing this!? I groaned to myself, slowly turning my head towards him. "I'm not hungry." I said as I made eye contact with him once more. "Now we both know that's a lie." He said, turning away from me again and placed a metal tray in my lap before placing a bowl of soup on it. "What part of I can't stomach anything don't you understand?" I snapped, turning my head away, why eat when I was just going to throw it up or keep it down long enough to make me think I was getting better? No it just wasn't worth it. "You were out for a while kid, we took your blood and managed to get it out of your bloodstream. You're lucky there wasn't a lot." The man said, resting his hand on my shoulder. "Go ahead and eat." He said softly. "I can hear your stomach rumbling from a mile away." He said, and I looked down at it, tempted to eat it. "Fine, I'll eat it if you answer my question." I said staring back at him. "Shoot kid." He said. "What did you do to me? You know with the needle? It's the same question I asked three times now!" I huffed and watched him chuckle in amusement. " It was an antibiotic kid, you have a slight fever which if you throw it up it's because of the flu." He said. "Which you also have besides all of those incorrect healed fractures and breaks." He said tilting his head to the side. "I answered your question, now eat." I sighed and my shoulders slumped before I reluctantly picked up my spoon and slowly dunked it into my soup before pulling it out and softly sipping it.

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