Chapter 23. ~Telling The Viewers~

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Troye's POV

*One week later*

The week went past so quickly; Tyler and I talked to Elizabeth twice more this week. She's really depressed and alone in life, I just can't stand it. Tyler is leaving tomorrow which makes matters worse. All I want is to help Elizabeth and be with Tyler.

"Troye?" Tyler asks, rolling over in my bed. I've been awake since two and it's now eleven. "Good mornin' perfect." He says, making me blush,

"Mornin' Tilly. How'd you sleep?" I turn to him and he sits up, yawning and stretching.

"Great, how'd you sleep? Any nightmares?" I've been having nightmares every night since the plane ride home. They always involve Tyler hurting me or chasing me and I always wake up sweating, shaking and crying from them in Tyler's arms. What'll happen when he's in L.A.?

"Yeah, it was intense." I reply. Tyler opens his arms and I fall into them.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what happens in them?" He asks and I shrug. "It's okay, you don't have to. We should get up so we get make a video today before I leave tomorrow." Tyler lets me go and stands up, grabbing some clothes from the ground. "I'm gonna have a quick shower first, alright babe?" He waits for my nod before walking out of the room. I lay on the bed for about ten minutes, thinking about what I'm going to do when Tyler leaves.

Another ten minutes pass and Tyler walks into the room, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, his hair still wet.

"Woah sexy, stop right there," I say, standing and wrapping my arms around his waist. I lean down and kiss his deeply.

"Troye," He moans before pushing away. "I have an idea for the video...but only if you want to do it." I give him a questioning look and he continues. "Well, I was thinking that it's time to tell our viewers that we're dating. Only if you're ready of course. We don't need to, I can wait. I just think it's ti-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"I'm ready, babe." He nods and we set up for the video. I shower quickly and do my hair up before going back into my room and sitting down in the chair next to Tyler. We decide to record the same video for both channels. "Ready." I say.

"Ready." He says and then I press record on the camera.

"Hey guys, what's up? It's Troye Sivan here." I start.

"Why hello everyone, it is Tyler Oakley here and today Troye and I have decided to make a very important video for y'all." Tyler says as I watch him with a wide smile on my face.

"Before we start being so serious can I just say that I'm extreming nervous about continuing this video." I say, glance at Tyler who just smiles and nods. "But who cares about nerves, we need to tell you this because I hate keeping secrets-"

"As do I," Tyler interupts and I look at him. "Continue?" He asks and I shake my head, giving him a look to say he can continue. "Okay, well we need to tell get ready because the Troyler fandom is about to die." He says and then he looks at me and leans closer. I wink at the camera and then face Tyler, closing the gap and kissing him softly.

We pull away for a normal kisses time and say at the same time, "Troyler is real y'all!" I smile and Tyler does too. "We're both so happy that everyone has been supporting Troyler before it was real so we're really hoping that everyone is supportive now that we're out." I say, smiling the whole time even though all I can think about is the 'what ifs' of the situation.

"Yeah, what Troye said," Tyler laughs. "Well, I don't think there's anything else to say here, I just hope that everyone supports us and you all accept that we're going to need privacy. Thank y'all for watching." He looks at me to speak.

"Please give this video a thumbs up, subcribe to this queen and me! I love you all, see you next week. Ready to wink?" I look at Tyler.

"Yes, I love this part," He replies and I laugh.

"Okay, one, two, three-" We wink together. "Byeeeeeeee." We say and then I turn off the camera. "That was good, it went..." I stop to think of an adjective.

"Smooth? Easy? Good? Perfect?" Tyler asks, poking me. "I think we should have made it longer but meh, it's done and now we need to edit and upload." I nod.


Tyler's POV

*Two hours later*

We finished editing our video an hour ago but Troye's internet is being a bitch and is taking forever to upload.

"30 seconds," Troye says, pacing the room after glancing at his laptop screen. He's been pacing around the room for ages, acting all nervous and fidgetting with his sweater.

"Come here and cuddle with me," I say, sitting on the bed with my arms opened wide. Troye glares at me for a second before sighing; he walks over and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around him and start to rock a little bit. "It's gonna be fine, Troye. I love you and that's all that matters okay?"

"Okay," He says, gazing into my eyes as I gaze into his. He looks so fragile and cute, like a child. I start rocking him more. "I feel like a child." He whines and I smirk at him.

"Wanna feel older?" I wink and he nods at me, smiling. I lean closer and connect our lips, kissing his passionatly. We kiss like that until Troye rememebers the video; he jumps off and rushes over to his laptop.

"It's uploaded! Aww, there's so many beautiful comments!" Troye says, looking back at me with tears in his eyes; I smile and walk over to him.

"Our fans are so sweet," I say, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Told you not to be so scared about this, they love us." I kiss his cheek and he blushes. "Let's go do something together now and look back at this later?" I grab Troye's hand and start walking with him.

"Being your last day, you have to choose something fun to do, you do realize that, don't you?" Troye asks as we start up the stairs. I nod and sqeeze his hand.

"I was thinking we go see a movie together but just sit in the theater making out," I smirk at him and he blushes slightly. He blushes at everything, I remind myself. "And after that I want to take your family out to dinner."

*Six hours later*

I spent most of my day with Troye, kissing him in the dark cinema room, then I took his whole family out for dinner to a very beautiful and expensive restaurant; it was the most night ever, sitting around a table chatting to his lovely family. We even confirmed that Troye and I are dating, which they are except.

"Thank you so much for taking us out Tyler, you really didn't have to do this!" Laurelle says, hugging me.

"Yes I did, it's like a thank you for picking me up from the airport and driving me there in the morning...oh and for having such a perfect son!" I laugh and she does too.

"We should go home now, mom. Tyler's flight is hella early," Troye reminds her and she nods her head. We leave and have a nice conversation on the way back to their house.


A/N: hey, sorry this is short, I kinda had writers block and just wrote whatever I could in this chapter.

Next chapter might be triggering I don't know yet but that's a little warning. I'm not gonna spoil anything!

Oh and sorry this skipped a week, didn't know what else to write! Haha anyway, byeeeee hope you enjoy the story so far!

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