Chapter 44. ~Good and Bad News~

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Tyler's POV

I wake up with a ball of fire snuggled up in my arms. Fuck is Troye boiling! I look down at his perfect face and see how red and sweaty it is.

"Troye?" I whisper loudly. I grab my phone and check the time: 11:12AM. We slept for about 11 hours...that's okay, he can get up now. "Troye! Get up!" I shake him a little and hear a groan.

"No," he croaks, snuggling closer.

"You're fucking boiling, don't come closer!" I exclaim, wiggling away. I quickly slip out of bed.

"Come back," he says, the words barely audible, before he starts having a coughing fit.

"Aw, babe," I start. "You're sick." He stops coughing and looks up at me with wide, sad eyes.

"No, I don't wanna be," he whines.

"Don't worry," I say. "I'll go get you some meds and I'll call my mom for her chicken soup recipe."

"You don't needa do that," he says, going to get up. I push him back down and tuck in the blanket around him. He stares at me and I laugh.

"I'm going to do this, even if you don't want me to." I leave the room before he can answer, heading straight into the bathroom. I search my cupboard before pulling out a bottle; I then go to the kitchen.

After putting the bottle down and filling a glass with water, I text my mom asking for the chicken soup recipe. She texts back with a picture of it.


Troye's POV

Tyler walks back into the room after about thirty minutes. He places a bowl of soup, a glass of water and a bottle of pills down on the bedside table.

"Here you go," he says. "Take two of these every four hours. The soup is too hot to eat now so give it about five minutes before you eat it."

"Uhh, okay," is all I can say.

"I'm going to go have a shower, if you need me, just shout or text," he replies.

"Okay, thanks," I answer. I watch him leave and as soon as he does, I start having another coughing fit. Tyler rushes back in.

"Are you okay?" His worried voice says over my coughs. I shake my head and start to feel dizzy. "It's okay." I feel strong arms around me and pat my back.

The coughs finally stop and I look at Tyler. "Thanks," I say. "You can have your shower now."

"Okay, I'll be quick," he leaves and I lie back on the bed. Just when I'm about to fall back asleep, I remember the soup and pills. I shoot up and grab the bottle next to me. I pop the lid off and take out two pills, quickly swallowing them.

After gulping down the water, I grab the bowl of chicken soup and start eating it. The warm liquid slides down my dry throat, soothing it. I smile at how delicious the soup is.

When I finally finish the soup, I put he bowl down and start to feel sleepy. Before I can lie down again, Tyler's phone starts ringing from the floor. He must've dropped it when he came in before. I reach down and stetch out my arm, gripping onto the phone as I bring it back up to me. I accept it quickly after sitting up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Troye? Where's Tyler?" Sawyer's voice comes through, sounding worried but has a hint of excitement.

"He's in the shower, do you want me to take a message or something?" I ask, knowing it must be about Hitch.

"Oh, well I was just calling to say that Hitch is fine except he's broken one of his back legs," Sawyer's voice stays calm as he explains what happened and I mentally praise him for being able to do it. "Oh, and I wanted to know if you guys could come over because I'm pretty lonely at the moment 'cause Hitch is in surgrey."

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