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Atticus's POV

I didn't realize how boring life was before Ivory. Carmen insisted that we'd have a good time,  practicing our abilities in the dominant training room,  like we used to before. I moved some stuff with my mind and Carmen, who was a powerful clairvoyant, tried to focus on the future. It wasn't as fun as I remember. Without Ivory here,  the whole experience just seemed a bit dull.

"You're making a face, moose," Carmen stated, her eyes still closed in concentration.

"I just remember this being a lot more fun before, " I grumbled, lifting Carmen up a bit with my mind. She didn't move, unamused by my shenanigans.

"You're being twitchy," she commented, eyes finally peeking open.

I looked down at my leg, watching it bounce with surprise. I quickly stopped, and shifted uneasily.

"You are literally itching to get back to her," Carmen said, sourly. I eyed her, lifting an eyebrow. She looked away, staring at the wall intently before closing her eyes again, and letting out a long sigh.

"She's my pair, Car. I don't think it's that weird to want to be with her," I grumbled.

"I just remember my Atticus being a lot more fun," she breathed out, rotating her slim shoulders. I chuckled. Fun wasn't important anymore,  Ivory is.

"Sanchez!" The doors to the training room slammed open, and Jamie, a male recessive stood there looking uncomfortable and flushed.

"What's up,  Jamie?" I asked, standing straight and tense.

"It's your pair." My heart froze. "She's in the infirmary." I was out the door instantly, racing down the halls. Each door I threw open with my mind, the worst possible situations flashing in my brain.

I crashed through the infirmary, seeing my kitten lying down on a cot, unconscious. Brown was standing next to the bed, staring at her intently. 

"What the hell happened?" I growled out, marching towards her, looking for any punctures or bruises. She had a black and blue bruise on the side of her temple.

"She fainted," Brown confessed. I lightly touched her bruise, hating the way it looked. My pair should not be in the infirmary, she should not be sitting there looking like some sort of broken doll. I understood the bruises from sparring, but this was different.

"Why?" I mumbled, unable to look away from her. She looked like she did when she was sleeping, her brown  hair fanned on her pillow, her skin paler than usual.

"I don't know if that's my place to tell."

"To hell it isn't, she's my pair," I growled, angrily.

"Don't start with me, Atticus. I have enough on my mind, " Brown said, rubbing his brow. I sighed, running ny hands through my hair and tugging on the strands in frustration.

"Will she be alright?" I finally asked, calmer. I was watching her breathe, and in our link I could tell she wasn't in pain.

"We're just waiting for her to wake up. She should be fine besides a little bump on her head."

"How did that even happen?" I asked, incredulous.

"She fainted a bit abruptly. I didn't have time to catch her, so she hit ger head pretty hard on my hard wood."

I just couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to lose her. That was the only thing running through my mind on the way here. The connection I felt with  Ivory wasn't like the feeling of all consuming love like I always thought it would be. To me, it was like she was the biggest piece of me. Like my lungs and my heart. I couldn't breath without her, I'd just feel empty.  I messed with her a lot, but right now, all I wanted was for her to give me that cute glare and slap me on the arm or chest or something. I just wanted to know that she'd be ok.

Ivory twitched a little in her sleep, before groaning and opening her big, pretty grey eyes. She looked at me, and I could see the storm gather in those orbs before her face crumpled, and a tear fell out. It broke my heart.

"Kitten? What's wrong? Is it your head, does it hurt? Do you want me to get the nurse?" I asked her, panicked.

"It wasn't a car accident, Attie. My parents weren't just randomly taken, they were  killed by Exotasi when I was a baby. I had a brother... and i never even knew," she sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

"Wait... why would the Exotasi target your parents?" I asked, quickly grabbing her and holding her close. She put her face in my neck, and I could feel the cold wetness of her face against my skin.

"Her parents are Zoe and Wade," Brown said, shifting on his feet uncomfortably.

Holy shit.

"What I don't get is how I couldn't know I didn't have a brother.  I visit my parents' grave one a month, and there's two head stones, not three. I had a brother named Blake," she ranted, her breathing becoming erratic.

"Shh shh, its ok. It'll be ok, Ivory. We'll figure this mess out," I said, rubbing her back softly and kissing her forehead.

"Breathe, Kitten," I mumbled, as her gasps slowly became normal, soft breathes.

"I think you should take her back home. Give her some Advil and let her rest," Brown sighed, before making his way out of the infirmary. I looked at my pair, sniffling lightly in my arms.

"You ready?" I asked her, shifting her higher in my arms. She nodded hesitantly, hiding her face. I sighed. The shit pile just got a couple feet deeper.

Sorry its shorter guys! But I hope you enjoyed Atticus's POV. Thank you so much for the support and don't forget to like and comment  ❤

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