Chapter 10: Foreshadowing

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          I woke up in my bed, well rested, and finding Eliza still asleep on my body. Her head was resting on my chest, her right arm on my shoulder and the left on my arm. Smiling, I stroked her soft dark hair. The clock says 0312 hr.s in the morning. I was still tired, so I closed my eyes. I felt the slow slumber filling my body. As time progressed, my sleep grew and grew. For me, I don't know whether I fell sleep or not, but this night, I started dreaming. But this dream, was actually a nightmare. It turned me from a care-free person, to an alert person. It was a dream I will never forget...


          I felt my body numb as every black color turned white. I heard a something that sounded like something was burning. Black turned to a flash of white. I felt something cool under my feet and wind blowing on my body. And as if it were possible, the white all around me got brighter and brighter. Then it turned into many different colors that I couldn't describe.....


          I was walking along a lake. Mountains surrounded the enormous pool of water. The lake sand was soft and smooth, and some blades of green grass stuck out at some areas of the lake beach. Trees swayed with the wind. The weather was so perfect. The fresh water lake was cool, but yet very warm. The air is humid and warm, but the summer breeze kept me cool. The sky was red, orange, and yellow for the sun was setting. The clouds in the sky made the scenery even more epic. Breathing in the natural sweet air gave me happiness.

          I looked down at what I was wearing, which was just a pair of blue and black-stripes swimming trunks. And to my surprise, I have scars all over my body. There was a scar right in the middle of my chest that awfully looked like a stabbing wound. And then there were small minor scars that lay across my body. I looked at a puddle infront of me. I looked at it and saw my reflection. I had a  clean-cut scar on my right eye that starts from above my eyebrow, right down my cheek bone. It was like as if someone used a sword and tried to cut my head in two, but missed. But other than that, my right eye was alright. It didn't look damaged and I can see through my own eye. Plus the left side of my lower lip looked like it was split in two. It seems like long ago someone punched me in the lip and my own teeth cut my left-lower lip apart.

          What also changed about me was my arms and legs. I knew I didn't have flabby legs and they were muscular, but now as I looked at them, they were ripped. They looked strong enough to level a door easily. And as I looked at my arms, I knew it wasn't that muscular as right now. My original arms was not as ripped as these arms right now. My arms looked so strong that I could punch a guy in the face and break the bones in. A large scar cut through my upper left arm and another one, an ugly cut through my lower arm. I also saw a scar that looked like I got shot on my shoulder.

          Another thing is, a large clean-cut scar ran through my stomach. Starting from below my right-side ribs, going across my stomach right above the left side of my hip. And having several small scars all over my body... like 17 or 20 of them, was abit disturbing.

          And that wasn't the only surprise I've seen. My long hair that should of hung and covered my right eye was all but gone! It was simply a high and tight haircut that all US Marine soldiers have. Very little hair on the sides, but just a bit more hair on the top. To put it in more description, 1mm of hair on my sides and back of my head and 2mm or 3mm of hair on the top of my head.

The new look on me was a big punch to the face, but everything I would say about me is..... I look damn well good...

          I smiled my half smile. It was true. It looked like I had the body of a Navy SEAL... well, kind of.

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