Chapter 11: To Sue a Family

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          It was Monday at 1130 hours. I couldn't shake off the feeling of Eliza dying. I never want to lose her, even though I didn't know her as much. Eliza and I were at school doing P.E. class together. The whole class were enoying a day of freetime and cool/warm air. I never enjoyed it though. I couldn't get the sound of the pistol shot and the death of Eliza. The whole day, I was uncomfortable. I needed something to relieve my stress and stuff.

"Hey, Eliza. You wanta go to my boxin studio after school?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded to me. "Yeah! Sure!" And she hugged me tight.

          So I went through the whole day, suffering of stress. After the last class, which was government, me and Eliza walked out of school together and walked to my studio. After a long conversion, we finally reached to our destination. But I was alarmed! The studio was closed! The building was all but empty. My heart sank. How could it be closed? It had been open for years and years.

          Just as I was going to look around for answers, then I saw my coach. Harold looked like he's been through some stress n' stuff. I held Eliza's hand and walked over to him.


"Yeah? What do you want, boy? The studio's closed. Scram." he said dully.

"Coach, what's going on? Why is it closed?"

 "Apparently... we didn't have enough money to keep the studio alive. It's done, soldier boy. There's no way to bring it back."

I felt my heart in pain alittle. I had so many memories here that I couldn't believe it was finally over.

"Alright. Well, hit me up sometimes, Harold."

"Will do, boy." and he turned away and walked off, but he stopped and turned to me one more time. "Tell me when you're ready for hell week for BUDS. I believe you can do it. You got heart, boy."

"Nah... I think I'm good with that Lieutenant."

          BUDS is, Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (a.k.a. BUD/S). It's training for the Navy SEALs recruits. SEALs are an Elite team of military forces in America for special Black Ops missions and such. SEAL (a.k.a. SEa, Land, and Air). It's a twenty-four week process for the training with three parts or phases of training. And each main phases lasts seven weeks each. When you enter, you start with the Orientation.During Orientation, Navy SEAL instructors introduce candidates to BUD/S physical training, the obstacle course and other unique training aspects.

          This part of training is designed to prepare candidates for day one of the first phase. Phase One, is called Physical Conditioning. BUD/S assesses SEAL candidates in physical conditioning, water competency, teamwork and mental tenacity. Physical conditioning utilizes running, swimming and calisthenics and grows harder and harder as the weeks progress. Candidates will participate in weekly four mile timed runs in boots and timed obstacle courses, swim distances up to two miles wearing fins in the ocean and learn small boat seamanship.

          The first two weeks of basic conditioning prepare candidates for the third week, also known as "Hell Week." During Hell Week, candidates participate in five and a half days of continuous training, each candidate sleeps at most four hours during the entire week and runs more than 200 miles and does physical training for more than 20 hours per day. The remaining three weeks involve the acquisition of various methods of conducting hydrographic surveys and creating a hydrographic chart.

          The other two phases are called Combat Diving and Land Warfare, but I'd rather not explain any more of these military stuff.

          After I watched him walk away, Eliza came up to me and held my hand.

"Tim? 'Lieutenant'?" she asked.

I smiled my half smile. "He's a US Navy SEAL." I proudly said.

She tilted her head to the left in confusion. "Excuse me?"

I laughed. "Haha, he's part of an elite government military used for counter terrorism and things like that. They're the ones who stopped Osama Bin Laden."

Her beautiful sapphire eyes widened. "He's... a killer?"

"Well, yes. In the military, when you go to war... you either kill, or be killed by the enemy." She just looked at me. I felt her fear in her hand growing. So I decided to change the subject. "Let's not talk bout the war. Let's go home."

She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder as we walked.


           When we walked back home, I found two cars in front of my home. One old red Cadillac and a black Volvo. I wondered why. I walked us to the front of the house and came in. There was a man in his 50's. He is balding, but his body is what makes him so terrifying. He's alittle chubby, but his muscles were huge and covered with tattoos of skulls. Then a woman in her 30's or 40's. Her stare looked cold and harsh, but her body signs make her seem gentle. And last another woman in the 30's. She wore a scarf and dress. She had a suitcase on my family's dinner table. The moment we walked in, Eliza gasped and made a death grip on my hand. It would've hurt me if I didn't instinctively grip her hand back. She then slowly hid behind me and her grip on my hand became tighter and tighter.

          I looked at my parents and they seemed very stressed. My father just has this blank stare at me while my mother have me the most unhappy stare of my life. But that didn't intimidate me. I walked forward into my house, but Eliza stayed put. I pulled her in and closed the door.

"What's goin' on here?" I said.

The woman who was dressed nicely said, "You and your family are being sued for kidnapping."

It felt like a slap on the face out of nowhere. I felt confused and insulted. "Wait... what?" I said surprised.

The cold-face woman looked at Eliza and then to me and said, "You stole her from us! Now you will speak to justice!"

"Hey!" My father yelled. "My son would never do such a thing like that!" he defended for me.

"You shut your hole you damn Asian!" the man said.

That was crossing the blasted line... "Hey! Who are you people anyways?! What makes you think you got the right to get into my home and throw racial insults to my family?!"

"You shut your fucking hole up too, small dick!" he yelled.


The cold-staring woman who clearly was this man's wife turned to my parents. "You failed to teach your own son. I'm ashamed!" She threw a hand gesture as if she thinks lowly of my parents. "He is so rude. Doesn't even care to respect his guests!" And she looked at my father. "He is really a useless son of a bitch, isn't he?"

Okay! That does it!

          I opened the door and pushed Eliza to the side of me and roared, "Get out! NOW!!!"

The woman who was dressed nicely, I've guessed must be the couple's lawyer/attorney, was just sitting there quietly listening to us fighting. Asshole...

"Why should we do what you say, Asian?" the tattooed man said.

"Cause I say yall are trespassing! Now get out!"

"Boy! If you disrespect us again, I will beat you up!"

"You touch my son, and I will call the police!" my mother screamed.

"Fuck you Asian bitch!"

"Hey!" I yelled. He looked at me. I waved my hand. "Go fuck yourself."

          He walked toward me with his fists clenched, as well as mine. He swung the first punch at me. I dodged it and jumped to uppercut him strait in his jaws. He staggered back alittle and came back, decking me into my face. I fell holding my nose. And as I fell, the back of my head hit the corner of the dinning chair and I fell face down to the floor. I groaned in pain. All of a sudden, I heard so much screaming around me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I think I was disoriented from the impact on my head. My eyes are a blur. I felt hands on my back then it moved around my neck and I felt a hug. The hands were slim and gentle, so I believed it was Eliza who was with me. I tried to get up. Then I felt an unexpected blow to my head and blacked out.

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